Page 40 of Minefield

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“He was? I thought the trial was in a few more months,” I asked, shocked.

“The judge didn’t wait, I guess. I don’t really pay attention to how that shit works,” she explains.

“How long did he get?” I ask. Doll takes a deep breath and then lets it out.

“Life,” she answers. “But he won’t make it past a year.”

“Why do you say that?” I ask, confused.

“Some friends of the club are in there. And when they catch wind of what happened, he’s fair game,”

“Oh. Shit” I say. She nodded her head in agreement.

We sit and talk for a couple hours. By the time I leave to go back to Nathans, it’s 8:30 PM and pitch black. I pull out my phone an order an Uber.

“Have a good night,” I say to the driver as I get out of his car. I walk up to Nathan’s house and pull out the spare keys he gave me because he’s been working overnights the past two weeks.

I unlock and push the door open. “Theo! It’s time for a walk!” I shout, walking in. I grab his harness just as I hear him come clomping up to me. He sits and let me put his harness and leash on. “Good boy,” I say, petting his head.

We head outside and do our usual route around the block. I feel comfortable enough to walk Theo at night because number one, Theo’s huge, and I don’t think anyone will fuck with him. Number two, it’s a fairly lit neighborhood because of all the houses and streetlights. And number three is, almost every house has a doorbell camera. Nathan picked a friendly neighborhood.

Chapter Thirty-One


Theo and I came around the corner or Nathan’s house, when I notice a blacked-out truck parked in front on the street. I look up on the porch and see a figure sitting on the steps. Issac.

I take a deep breath and walk up to him. As he hears my footsteps approach, he looks up.

“Hey, Doll told me you came by the clubhouse.” he says slowly, standing up. Theo walks in between my legs and stands still, watching Issac.

“Hi, and yeah I did,” I say, then look down at Theo. “It’s okay, bud. He’s not gonna hurt me,” I reassure him. I look back up at Issac and clear my throat. “What’s up? Everything okay?” I ask.

He shifts on his feet. “Did you wanna talk? Is that why you came by?”

“Oh yeah. I uh” I stumble over my words. Why am I nervous? “Do you wanna come in?” I ask slipping past him with Theo, opening the door.

“Nathan won’t mind?” Issac asks. I roll my eyes.

“No, Nathan won’t mind. He actually likes you now for some baffling reason,” I say, walking into the house. Issac follows behind and closes the door. I squat down and undo Theo’s harness and leash, then he sits and waits for his treat.

“Nice place,” Issac says as he walks further into the house. I give Theo his treat and then follow Issac in. He stops in the middle of the living room, looking around.

“We can sit here,” I say, pointing towards the dining table I’m about to sit at. He comes over and pulls the chair across from me and sits down. “So, you here to kill me or fuck me?” I blurted out immediately, regretting it.

His eyebrows shoot up. “Um,” he begins, but I cut it short.

“Ignore what I just said. My intrusive thoughts won, and it was to be a dick,” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Anyway,”

“Alright,” he says adjusting in his seat then clears his throat. “Have you had enough time?”

“I don’t know,” I say, looking away so he doesn’t see the tears gathering in my eyes. “I want to hate you, Issac. I really want to fucking hate you.”

“Del- “

“Stop. I don’t want you to explain it for the thousandth time,” I say with a sigh. “After a few weeks, I began to understand why you did that. You needed to do what you thought was right for the club. I get it now. But it doesn’t make it hurt any less, and it doesn’t mean I forgive you,” I explain, looking up at him.

“I know. I wish I could take it back. I wish I could take a lot of things I did back.”
