Page 2 of Minefield

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“Fuck,” he growled, picking up the pace. The head of his cock was hitting my g spot as he rolled his hips into me.

“Oh my god, Issac!” I screamed as the pleasure built quickly. I felt a smile spread across my neck with his lips. He draped my leg around him again, his hand shooting between my legs, pinching my clit as he continued to pound into me. Screaming, I latched onto his arm again with my hand digging my nails in, breaking the skin. He hissed against my neck, followed by a groan.

“Fuck, you’re tightening around my cock. He whispered in my ear,” I don’t know how long I can hold back. I can’t hold back anymore, either. I turned my head to him, looking into his eyes and bringing my lips close to his.

“Come with me,” I moaned against his lips. He groaned and slammed into me at a quicker pace. I scream in pleasure as I cum around his cock. He roars in pleasure as I feel his cock twitching, filling me with his seed.

We lay there in the same position, our heavy breaths filling the room. He moves, pulling out slowly. I gasped as he pulled out completely. Rolling onto my back, I looked at him with a smile. He’s grinning and cups my face with his hand.

“I’ll be right back,” he whispered, giving me a quick kiss. He rolled off the bed and pulled up his boxers while walking toward the bathroom. He comes strutting back with a washcloth in his hand. “Spread um,” he says, nodding to my legs. I do as he says. He gently put the washcloth between my legs and cleaned me up. When he’s done, he tosses it into the laundry basket and crawls back into bed, grabbing me and pulling me against him. Soon, sleep had consumed us.

I watched as she turned the barrel of the gun against Jay’s back and pulled the trigger. Tears instantly fell from my eyes as she and Jay collapsed.

Without thinking, I ran towards the pair. Jay was on top of Evelyn, his face pointed away from me. Evelyn’s hand was still wrapped around the gun. Her face pointed towards me, her eyes were open, and blood was slowly dripping from her mouth.

“No, no, no,”

“Delilah! Hey!” I heard Issac’s voice breaking through the dream. My eyes shot open, and I quickly sat up. My whole body was shaking, and I was soaked in sweat. “Hey, hey. It’s okay,” Issac said cupping my cheek.

“What happened?” I asked, pulling my knees to my chest.

“You were screaming in your sleep,” he explained. “Come on, you’re boiling and covered in sweat,” he said, grabbing my arms and pulling me up from the bed. He guided me into the bathroom. He leaned in and turned on the shower. After helping me undress, he undressed too. He pulled both of us into the warm shower. Once the water hit me, reality settled in even more. My heart began beating hard, and the tears pooled.

“Oh my god,” I whispered, putting my hand over my mouth. “This is all because of me,” I said barely. My knees became weak, causing Issac and I to tumble to the shower floor.

Sitting on the shower floor, water beating down on us, Issac held me close as I cried and cried.

“I’m here, I’m here,” He whispered. “I’ll always be here.”

Chapter Two


Me- Hey, can you meet me at the shop this morning?

Nathan- Sure, you okay?

Me- Yeah, see you soon.

I sent those texts about forty minutes ago and now I’m rethinking it as Nathan’s cruiser pulls into the garage. He gets out and gives me a small wave and begins walking over.

“Hey,” he says as he gets close. Fiddling with my nails, I get right to the point. “How’s J-”

“Whose William Swan?” I speak, cutting him off. His steps falter, and his eyes grow wide. I cross my arms and shake my head. “Yup, that’s what I thought.”

“I- I don’t know who-”

“Don’t, I’m so sick of lies. I need someone to tell me the fucking truth!” I yell. My voice echoes throughout the club’s parking lot. The workers continue working, pretending like we’re not there. Probably a good thing cause I am NOT in the mood.

“Where did you hear that name?”

“Oh, I didn’t hear it anywhere. I saw it in this book called the Corax, along with a picture of this entire club and its members!” He stood there with a dreadful look on his face. Oh yeah buddy, secrets out. I continued. “This not ringing any bells? Here let me explain a bit more: William Swan, Road Captain of The Raven’s. His WIFE took his SON and left him because he dedicated his life to the club,”

Nathan shifted on his feet, looking very uncomfortable. “Shall I keep going?” I asked. He glared at me, knowing where I was about to go.

“No, thanks. But I’d rather not have a history lesson on how my father was a murderer.” There it is. Biting my lips, I nodded. “Can we talk about this somewhere else?” he whispered while looking around.

“Oh sure, come step into my office,” I said sarcastically, pointing towards Issac’s office. As he walked through the garage and towards the office, Nathan kept his head down. As we entered, I slammed the door shut and walked over to Issac’s desk sitting atop it.
