Page 65 of Ice & Steel

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Atlas snatched them off and clumsily pushed them onto Lucien’s face, stabbing him in the eye in the process. Hugo got involved and suddenly there was a wrestling match on the end of the bed. I backed into the bathroom, preferring to let Lucien deal with all their morning energy, and got ready for the day.

From the bedroom came the distant sounds of yelling and bouncing. I braided my hair and slipped on a short wrap dress and sandals. Because we were having company, I got my makeup bag out and applied some mascara and tinted lip balm.

I tilted my head. It did make me feel good, maybe I should start wearing some now and then.

Lucien walked in, rubbing his eye. “Jesus Christ, your sons are wild animals.”

“When they act like that, they’re your sons,” I said, tossing my braid and wriggling my hips so my skirt fell around my thighs. “You’re the one who wanted more.”

His gaze skimmed over me and his brow twitched.

“Maybe one more wouldn’t hurt,” he said, snatching me by the waist. “The boys are downstairs, I told them to go take care of the animals.”

I met his gaze in the mirror and shook my head.

“You’re going to let me recover from what you did to me last night,” I said. “You fucked me raw, Lucien, I need a day.”

He buried his face in my neck and lazily ground his erection into my ass. “Good, I want you to feel my cock rearranging your insides every time you sit on that pretty, wet cunt today.”


I whirled, gaping at him. He was usually vulgar when he talked dirty, but occasionally he still caught me by surprise. His cheek twitched and he slapped my ass before disappearing back into the bedroom. I heard the door swing open and his footfalls echo in the stairway a moment later.

When I joined them, the boys were lined up with toast and scrambled eggs at the breakfast nook. The back door was open to the lawn where the chickens congregated in the morning, waiting to be fed. I kissed each of my sons on the tops of their heads and ducked out the door to find Lucien standing at the edge of the porch.

He handed me one of the two coffee cups in his hand. I took it gratefully and breathed in the comforting scent. I loved it when he made me coffee, even though it was always much stronger than usual.

I studied his profile, reaching up to brush an eyelash from his cheek. His lids fell and for a second he let me cradle his face in my palm. Then I shifted to lean against his side.

“It’s peaceful in the mornings,” he said.

“At first it felt lonely,” I mused. “I’m used to being in the city. Out here it’s nothing but wide open space.”

He lifted his cup and took a sip. His lips pulled back from his teeth for a flash as he swallowed, but he didn’t speak.

I sighed. “Do you want to go home, Lucien?” I whispered.

There was another long silence, then he cleared his throat.

“Yes,” he said. “I want to go home.”

“You need the city and the city needs you,” I said, trying to squash down the sadness at the thought of leaving the island. True, it wasn’t home, but it was our sanctuary.

“And what do you need?” he asked, his voice husky.

“Just you,” I said. “And our boys.”

His hand slid around my waist and I felt his lips brush the top of my head. “I love you.”

There was never a lot of emotion in his words when he said he loved me, but I felt it deep inside where it mattered. He emptied his coffee and turned to face me. He had his hand up to shade his eyes and it was making the bare muscles of his upper arm and shoulder look amazing. I bit my lip and stared distractedly.

“Liv? Are you listening?”

I jumped. “Yes. What?”

“I’m heading out after I get dressed. I have to go pick Viktor up from the mainland.”

I nodded and he kissed me briefly and left. I stayed on the porch for a while longer and listened for the motorboat to start up and hum away through the water. Then I went inside and reached for my apron.

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