Page 15 of Ice & Steel

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Taking a deadly animal and putting it in a cage.

There was no good way to spin that to him. He liked to think of himself as domesticated, probably because he had no concept of what that actually meant. But I knew better, I knew what kind of man he was and always had been.

“Um…I’ll think about it,” I said. “Maybe we can talk more tomorrow over dinner?”

“Agreed,” he said. “I’ll put off the questions for today.”

We were silent the rest of the way to the country club. When we arrived, there were a group of journalists and photographers waiting by the door. I chewed my lip, watching as Lucien parked and circled the car to let me out. Our eyes met, his large body caging me against the car. Protecting me from their eyes for a moment longer.

The side of his crooked finger brushed my chin, tilting my head up.

“Are you my good girl?” he asked softly.

I swallowed hard, feeling suddenly warm. “Lucien, not now.”

His jaw twitched. “Answer me, Liv.”

I nodded. “You know I would do anything for you.”

He bent and pressed a discreet kiss to my mouth. Behind him, camera shutters clicked. When he pulled away, he slid his hand around my waist and we moved up the walkway. At the door, we paused briefly and I lifted my hand and offered a pleasant smile to the cameras. I was used to this by now, but I didn’t like it.

I didn’t like being out of control unless it was with him.

His body served as a shield, coming between me and the crowd. His arm was iron, curled around my waist, guiding me up the steps and into the front hallway. The door shut, cutting the noise off abruptly.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

I nodded. “I’m used to it by now.”

His mouth was set in a grim line—but then it always was these days—as he took my hand and led me down the hall to the private banquet hall. The wide, airy windows looked out over the golf course and each table was set with flowers and white dishes. About half the room was full and I scanned it, hoping for a familiar face.

Several yards away, Peregrine Calo, Lucien’s diplomat, sat beside his wife, Rosalia. She was pregnant again, her belly so swollen she had to push her chair back to make room.

“I’m going to go talk to Rosalia,” I said quietly.

Lucien nodded once. “I have to confer with Peregrine. Let’s go, before we get mobbed.”

I sank down beside Rosalia, watching from the corner of my eye as Peregrine rose and guided Lucien a few feet away. Discreetly putting space between outfit business and their wives. Lucien stood with his arms crossed over his chest and his feet apart. My eyes skimmed over him, enjoying how tall and commanding he looked.

“How’re you feeling?” I asked, turning back to Rosalia.

She took a deep breath. “Like I never want to have sex ever again.”

I laughed. “You’re due next month, right?”

She nodded, her hand sliding over her stomach. “I was hoping Lucien could give Peregrine some extra time off, but it seems like things are getting tense.”

Frowning, I shifted closer. “Why do you say that?”

A line appeared between her brows as she looked over her shoulder at our husbands. “I don’t know, but I can tell Peregrine’s more stressed than usual.”

My mind flitted back to Lucien’s behavior over the last few days. He had seemed more stressed out than usual. That was clear after last night. We’d played with denial and obedience during sex before, but that was the first time he’d texted me and told me to wait over an hour on my knees for him.

I gazed at him, soaking in the sight of my husband. He was almost middle aged now, but his body was still lean and strong. Very, very strong. I shifted, remembering how it felt to be pinned beneath him.

“Are you…okay?” Rosalia asked.

I shook myself, dragging my eyes back. “Yeah, sorry. It was a long night with the kids.”

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