Page 20 of Getting Schooled

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“Then don’t leave.” The words are out before I can stop them. I tense, afraid I’ve said too much too soon. I clear my throat “Unless you have an early class, of course.”

Sandra pulls back to meet my gaze, eyes shining with amusement and something mischievous. “Spring break, remember?”

I cup her face and kiss her thoroughly. “In that case, I’m not letting you out of my sight for the next week.”

“Promise?” A teasing smile plays on her lips.

“Promise.” I seal it with another searing kiss that leaves us both breathless.

Her hands glide down my chest and over my abdomen, setting my blood on fire.

Sandra starts a slow, deliberate grind of her hips against mine, tearing a groan from my throat.

I grip her waist and grind back, our bodies moving in a rhythm as old as time. “You’ll be the death of me.”

“What a way to go,” she purrs, rolling her hips in a particularly sensual move that makes my vision blur at the edges.

“Woman, if you don’t stop -”

Sandra crashes her mouth to mine, her kiss as wild and untamed as the desire raging through my blood.

My control snaps.

I pause for a moment to drink in the sight of Sandra spread out before me, her curves lush and generous.

She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“Like what you see?” Sandra arches a brow, utterly comfortable in her nudity.

“You’re exquisite,” I rasp, trailing a finger down the valley between her big tits to the dip of her navel. Her belly quivers at my touch, a soft moan escaping her lips. “Fucking perfect.”

“Flatterer.” She catches my hand, bringing it to her mouth to suck on my middle finger. “Less talking, more touching.”

“Bossy.” I chuckle, the sound turning into a groan as Sandra guides my hand lower, showing me exactly what she wants. “God, you’re so wet.”

“That would be your doing, Coach.” Sandra rocks against my hand, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. “Now, are you going to do something about it or just keep teasing me?”

“Patience, Professor Mason.” I withdraw my fingers, ignoring her noise of protest. “I plan to take my time with you.”

I descend on Sandra with a growl, kissing and caressing every bit of skin I can reach, reveling in her sounds of pleasure.

By the time I’ve wrung two orgasms from her willing body, Sandra is a quivering mess.

And we’ve only just begun.



We’re gathered with friends and family in our cozy living room on Christmas Eve. Our twin daughters, Sophia and Ava, squeal with delight as they play with new toys, while Magnus and I share a contented smile from our spot on the sofa.

After everyone has left, and the girls are in bed, Magnus pulls me into his arms. “Best Christmas ever,” he murmurs, gazing into my eyes.

I stretch up to kiss him.

Wrapped in the embrace of my soulmate with our baby girls sleeping peacefully upstairs, I have everything I could ever want.

* * *
