Page 18 of Getting Schooled

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She places her hand in mine.

I pull her close, wrapping an arm around her waist. We sway together, her head resting on my chest. I breathe in the scent of her hair, closing my eyes.

After a moment, she lifts her head. I meet her gaze, struck anew by the depth of emotion in her eyes.

She rises on tiptoe, brushes her lips over mine.

My restraint snaps. I crush my mouth to hers, kissing her with a hunger that has only grows each minute of every day. She responds in kind, her hands fisting in my shirt.

The flickering candlelight dances across her smooth skin as I trail kisses down her neck.

“God, you’re exquisite,” I murmur against her collarbone, inhaling her sweet scent.

She arches into me with a soft moan, her hands sliding over the hard planes of my chest. I groan, desire soaring in my gut.

The soft glow of candles, the heady fragrance of roses perfumes the air, sultry jazz plays in the background.

It’s the perfect setting.

“Magnus.” My name is a breathy plea on her full lips. I capture her mouth in a deep, hungry kiss, reveling in the taste of her.

She melts against me, her body soft and pliant under my roaming hands. I trail my fingers along the edge of her little black dress, inching the hem higher.

“I want you,” I growl, my hands sliding over her bare thighs. “Here. Now.”

Sandra gasps.

Need roars through me, primal and unchecked. I lift her onto the table in one swift move, sending plates and glasses crashing to the floor.

She leans back on her hands, chest heaving, and watches through heavy-lidded eyes as I unzip my pants.

When I free myself, her eyes widen in anticipation. A wicked grin tugs at my lips.

I lay her on the table, stripping off her dress and underwear with impatient hands. She’s so fucking beautiful, all soft curves and warm brown skin.

I’m unable to stop touching her. She arches into my caresses, her hands roaming over my body in turn.

“So fucking pretty,” I murmur, trailing kisses down her neck. I capture one hardened nipple in my mouth, teasing it with my tongue until she cries out.

She tugs at my hair, guiding my head lower. I settle between her thighs, inhaling her scent. “Magnus -”

I spear my tongue into her wet heat, reveling in her broken moans. She tastes amazing, and I can’t get enough. I suck and lash at her clit until she shatters around me with a scream.

“Inside me,” she pants, eyes feverish. “Now, Magnus.”

I nudge myself between her legs, poised at her entrance. Our gazes lock as I push into her slick cunt, so tight and hot I nearly come right away.

She arches beneath me, nails scoring my back. I pull out and slam home again, setting a brutal pace. The pleasure spirals higher and higher, until I’m lost in the sweet grip of her body.

With a roar, I spill into her. She follows a second later, inner walls clenching around me.

For a long moment, I remain buried inside her, holding her close. Our hearts pound against each other, breath mingling as we share sweet, languid kisses.

At length, I roll off her onto my back, drawing her against my side. She curls into me with a contented sigh, head pillowed on my chest.

“I love you,” I whisper, pressing a kiss to her hair.

Her lips curve. “I love you too, Magnus.”
