Page 10 of Getting Schooled

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I feel sated and dizzy with love.

His eyes glow with promise and devotion.

My heart overflows. This is only the beginning.

* * *

Magnus leans against the door frame of my office, all six feet plus of solid muscle barely contained in jeans and a plain white cotton t-shirt that offers a striking contrast with his delicious tan.

His dark eyes gleam. “Want to watch my team annihilate the competition in our season opener?”

My heart stutters. The memory of his hands, calloused and strong, sliding over my skin floods my mind. I swallow hard.

One corner of his mouth lifts.

Oh god. Watching him dominate the ice used to be my favorite pastime. Now directing that intensity, that competitive drive…I squeeze my thighs together under my desk, heat pooling low in my belly.

“Should be an exciting game.” His gaze slides down my body, lingering on my chest before meeting my eyes again. A spark of knowing passes between us, memories of tangled limbs and harsh breaths. “Interested?”

Am I interested in witnessing the raw power and passion that bring me to my knees on a nightly basis? Abso-fucking-lutely.

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

His smile is slow and predatory. “Good. I’ll save you the best seat in the house.”

The promise in his voice sends a bolt of desire straight to my core. And I know that by the time I get to the arena, I’ll be soaking wet and aching to feel his hands on me again.

* * *

The arena erupts with cheers as I walk through the entrance, the familiar scents of popcorn and hot dogs filling my senses. My heart pounds with anticipation, nerves and arousal warring in my stomach.

I spot Magnus behind the player’s bench, barking orders and gesturing emphatically with those large, capable hands. He looks every inch the powerful leader I knew he’d become, confidence and intensity radiating from his tall, muscular frame.

Our eyes meet across the ice and my breath hitches. The fire in his gaze threatens to incinerate me on the spot, desire and possession blazing bright enough to steal the breath from my lungs.

Heat floods my cheeks as I make my way to the seat he saved for me, front row center. Close enough that I can see every bead of sweat, hear every growled command.

The puck drops and the game begins in a flurry of motion. But all I see is Magnus. His passion, his power, his complete control over the players and the game. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

I squirm in my seat, arousal building with every stride he takes behind the bench, every shout he bellows across the ice. By the time the third period starts, I’m soaked and aching, desperate for the release only Magnus can give me.

When the final buzzer sounds and UCMB claims victory, I meet Magnus’s smoldering gaze and lick my dry lips. The elegant wings of his nostrils flare and triumph gleams in his intense eyes—though whether it’s from winning the game or thoroughly undoing me without laying a finger on me, I can’t say.

I know with stark certainty that I won’t make it long before he tears my clothes off and has me up against a wall.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My heart pounds as I wait outside the locker room like Magnus texted me to do, anticipation thrumming through my veins. When the door finally bursts open, Magnus strides out, still sweaty from the game.

His gaze locks onto mine and he pulls me inside a nearby broom closet, locking the door behind us. In an instant I’m crushed against the wall, his mouth ravaging mine. I moan into the kiss, arching into his hard body and tangling my hands in his hair.

“I bet you’re so wet for me already,” he growls, sliding a thigh between my legs. I rock my hips, desperate for friction. “Were you thinking of this the whole game? My cock inside you, fucking you until you scream my name?”

“Yes,” I gasp. “Magnus, please.”

He grips my ass and lifts me, pinning me to the wall. Our breaths mingle as his eyes bore into mine, dark with promise. “I’m going to ruin you for anyone else, Sandra.”

Then his mouth descends and my mind goes blissfully blank. His tongue thrusts inside me, mimicking the act we’re both craving. I keen, fisting his hair to keep him there. He sucks and laves at my clit until I’m quivering, on the edge of shattering.
