Page 12 of Dance For Me

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The pounding starts again, louder. “Open up or I’m coming in!”

Grizz growls, throwing off the covers. I blink at the sight of him—all hard muscle and tattooed golden skin in the dim light.

Before I can say a word, he’s stalking to the door and flinging it open.

Bruce’s rant dies on his lips as Grizz grabs him by the collar, eyes flashing.

“What. Do. You. Want?” Grizz grits out.

Bruce stammers, face purpling. “The—the rent. It’s late again and—”

“How much?”

Bruce sputters an amount. Grizz reaches into his jeans, pulling out a thick wad of bills and shoving them at Bruce.

“Now get the hell out of here before I really lose my temper.”

Bruce scrambles to take the money, still gaping. “Y-yes, of course, my apologies, sir—” Of course, he recognized him, too. Hell, does everyone, except me, follow hockey?

“Out!” Grizz roars.

Bruce bolts, the door slamming behind him.

Grizz drags a hand through his hair, his thick, arched brows furrowed. Then he turns to me, his gaze softening. A slow smile spreads across his handsome face and he strides back to the bedroom, all predatory grace.

“Now, where were we?”

I swallow hard, moisture gathering between my legs.

Grizz prowls to me, boxing me in with his arms. His gaze rakes over me, intense and possessive.

“You’re mine now, Tessa. No one will ever bother you again.”

His words send a thrill through me. I reach up, tangling my fingers in his hair and tugging him down for a kiss.

Grizz groans into my mouth, his body pressing me into the wall. His hands roam my curves, stroking and squeezing. I arch up against the hard planes of his body, desire burning through my veins like fire.

He breaks the kiss, trailing his lips down my neck. I gasp as his teeth graze my pulse point, heart pounding.

“I’m going to take care of you,” Grizz rasps. “Give you everything you’ve ever wanted. All you have to do is say yes.”

His words make my head spin. I’ve only just met this man, and yet…I feel like I already belong to him. As if I’ve always belonged to him.

I meet his gaze, dark and intense. “Yes,” I breathe.

A slow, dangerous smile spreads across Grizz’s face.

He claims my mouth again in a searing kiss as his hands move lower, setting my body ablaze with passion.

I give myself over to him completely, losing myself in his embrace. And for the first time, I understand why he’s called The Grizzly. Because right now, he’s about to utterly devour me.

* * *

Lena knocks on my door, calling my name. I jerk awake with a gasp, heart pounding.

For a moment I’m disoriented, confused by my surroundings. Then I spot Grizz sleeping beside me, one heavy, muscular arm flung over my waist, and it all comes rushing back.

Last night. This morning. Oh God.
