Page 30 of One-Way Ride

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His cock felt like it was caught in a vice when Angela’s muscles contracted around his. “Fuck, yes,” he ground out.

The pleasure was outrageous, and he pulled his hips back, ramming home again and again, chasing after the sensation with single-minded determination. The bed shook wildly beneath them, the comforter falling to the floor. But he didn’t give a fuck. All that mattered was the sinfully beautiful woman currently being impaled by his cock.

Angela’s ankles locked around his hips, her heels digging painfully into his ass. “Oh god! Roman! Yes!” she cried out.

Roman watched as she gripped her own nipples, tugging in time with his thrusts. He growled, speeding up, the sounds of their flesh coming together over and over again loud in the room. He grunted in satisfaction when familiar contractions began around his cock. “Yes, baby. Come for me. Show me how much you love what I’m doing to you.”

Angela’s back arched, and she shifted onto her elbows, giving herself more traction to grind her pelvis against his. “I do love it,” she panted. “I love your cock so much.”

His chuckle was dark as he leaned forward, sandwiching her back against the now-slick sheets. “Is that all you love?”

She moaned and writhed, fucking his hard cock even though his body was now still. He allowed it because she made a magnificent sight when she was orgasming.

“No. That’s not all,” she finally responded, coming down from her climax. She placed a hand over his tattoo, directly over his heart. “I love this too.”

“Damnit,” he muttered, slamming his mouth over hers. He kissed her with a hunger unmatched by any he’d ever felt before. He rotated his hips a few times before snapping them back against her. And just before he was about to explode, he stopped.

He pulled out, stroking himself roughly once, twice, before thick white ribbons of cum exploded from his tip. He watched the proof of his desire land on Angela’s curved stomach, shouting when another jolt of pleasure danced through his system. He continued to milk himself until every last drop of cum was wrung from his balls, and he became too sensitive. Then he practically collapsed on Angela, managing to catch himself on his palms so he didn’t squash her with his dead weight.

She smiled at him, and he kissed the happiness from her lips. It tasted just as good as her lust did. “I love you too,” he informed her, finally coming up for air.

“Hmm,” she practically purred. She reached between them, running her finger through his cum. “I can tell.”

Roman smirked, feeling really fucking amazing. He also felt like he could close his eyes and sleep the rest of the night away. He wished it was an option, but there was too much to be done. Especially because of his decision to go to New York. Which he hadn’t even told Angela about yet. So, when Angela pushed against his chest, he stood up, offering her a hand.

“We’re going to stick together,” she told him, accepting his hand.

Roman pulled her up gently, steadying her as she sat on the side of the bed. Some of his cum dripped onto her thighs and he was half-tempted to lick it up. “I wouldn’t mind being stuck to you,” he informed her. “But I’ll go and get a washcloth. Stay here.”

He moved to the bathroom, not surprised when he found his legs a little unsteady. He washed up quickly before taking a warm, damp cloth back to his angel. When she went to take it from him, he held it out of her reach. “I can clean up my own woman, thank you.”

Angela rolled her eyes at him but didn’t argue. He did a little victory dance on the inside because it was just one more way that she had surrendered to him. He wiped the sweat from her breast before hesitating. He wanted to leave the evidence of his claiming where it was.

“You want to leave it there, don’t you?”

His eyes flew to hers. “Are you a mind reader now?”

“I don’t need to be,” she replied, one side of her mouth quirking. “I feel the same way.”

Lust roared through his body once again, and he raised his arm to toss the washcloth away. Angela laughed and stopped him. “But...” she said, derailing his plans of giving her another thorough fucking, “it itches.”

Roman didn’t want her to be uncomfortable, so he did his best not to pout as he wiped her down. He winced a little when he saw it flaking off. “I think this is beyond me. This is shower territory.”

Angela looked down at herself before meeting his gaze once more. “You know, a few months ago, this would have grossed me out.”

Roman picked her up, heading for the ensuite. He took advantage of her naked state to feel up her curvy ass. “And now?” Desire resurfaced as he set her on her feet in the bathroom, admiring her thoroughly sated and sullied appearance.

“Now I’m trying to think of all the ways you can mess me up,” she revealed with a smile.

“You’re dangerous, woman,” he said with a half groan, turning on the shower and testing the water temperature.

“Says the crime lord,” Angela retorted with a laugh.

She stepped into the shower, and he followed her, noting how her laughter meant more to him than even her moans of pleasure. The knowledge should have been shocking but somehow wasn’t. Then he spent the next ten minutes sharing their soap in their shower. What had started as a terror-filled day, had ended damn good.


The following morning, Angela woke before Roman. It wasn’t unusual. He wasn’t really the best morning person. She took a moment to appreciate the raw, masculine beauty of the man beside her, placing a light kiss on his chest before she reached for her phone.
