Page 87 of Silver Or Lead

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Angela wrapped her legs around his waist and gripped his head, tangling her fingers in his disheveled hair. She met his thrusts again and again, as well as she could, telling him, “I love you. I love you, Roman. So much.”

He stiffened immediately. “Goddamn it, Angel,” he rumbled, his warm release spurting inside her. “I fucking love you, too.”

He pushed inside her a few more times, and the sound of their bodies coming together—all wet from sweat and cum—was the most erotic thing she had ever heard. When she felt his cock flagging, she tightened her internal muscles around him, angling for another orgasm of her own.

He glared at her playfully. “Quit that. You’ll break it.”

Angela grinned, doing it again. “I doubt that. Not with all the steel that’s in it.”

He shook his head, slipping free. But he replaced his cock with his fingers, pushing into her with three of them. “Yes,” she moaned. “Please.”

Roman obliged her, finger-fucking her into a second orgasm, using his cum as lube. He swallowed her shouts of completion, kissing her breathless.

But not breathless enough that she couldn’t tell him again, “I love you.”


Roman stared at the ceiling, holding Angel in his arms. They had made love twice, Angel had told him she loved him, and he was feeling happier than any man had a right to. She was perfect to him. And perfect for him.

The knowledge filled him with apprehension rather than peace, and he admitted to her, “I almost didn’t do this.”

Angela glanced up from her position on his chest. “What do you mean?”

“After I killed Brian, I had second thoughts about this. Us,” he clarified.

“Second thoughts?” Angela asked hesitantly. She removed her hand from his chest.

Roman grabbed it, returning it to his tattoo. She had been tracing it with her fingers, and he could stand for her to do it every day for the rest of their lives. “Not about loving you. I could never regret that,” he assured her. “But about claiming you as mine officially. Angel, I’m not a good man. No, let me speak,” he said when Angela opened her mouth. “I’m not a good man. I don’t think I ever really had the chance to be a good man. But my upbringing can’t hold all the blame. I’ve made choices that have shaped me into the person I am today. Choices that I don’t want to rub off onto you. Brian said some things...”

“And you listened to him?” Angela asked incredulously. “He was full of shit.”

“He was. But some things he said were true.” Like me being worse than he was, Roman thought. “I don’t want you tainted by me, Angel.”

“Roman, I’m not worried about you tainting me. I never was,” she told him earnestly. She sat up, taking the sheet with her and covering her delicious breasts. “My denial of you was all about me. I accept you just as you are. What’s more, I know who you are.”

“Do you really, Angel?” Roman pressed, propping himself up on some pillows so they were eye to eye. “I spent part of the night torturing a man to death.”

“And I’ve burned dozens of people alive,” Angela stated. She paused for a moment, holding his eyes so he saw the truth. “I liked it.”

That gave Roman pause. “Tell me.”

* * *

“It was a long time ago,” Angela began. “Not that it makes it okay. Time doesn’t erase what I did.”

She was terrified to open herself up to Roman—to anyone, really. But it was tougher with him because his opinion mattered to her the most. Only one other person on the planet knew all the details of her past. And that was her therapist. Angela hadn’t wanted to speak of it to anyone. But now, with hindsight, getting therapy and speaking her truth at least once had been the correct choice.

“I was eighteen,” she said. “And I’d just spent the past two years being sold to the highest bidder.”

Roman went so still she wasn’t sure he was breathing. “A trafficking ring?” he asked, lips barely moving.

She hated to resurrect memories that were surely terrible due to Luca’s history, but it was time Roman got to know the real her. And it was time for her to be free. “Not exactly,” she replied. “You know I attended Granger boarding school for the last two years of high school? Well, that was a lie. My parents were in debt. They were on the brink of bankruptcy. They signed a six-month contract for my services in exchange for being bailed out.”

“Your parents sold you?” Roman snarled.

Angela nodded. “They did. After the first six months, I was supposed to go home. But I was... popular. The people in charge offered my parents more money. Not just enough to get them out of debt this time, but enough to set them up for life. My mother and father were both born into money,” she explained. “Generations of millionaires. They blew it all before I turned fifteen.”

“And used you to make up for it,” Roman stated.
