Page 12 of Silver Or Lead

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“Using you as well, of course,” Roman promptly replied. It tasted like a lie, and he wondered why. He couldn’t recall even half the women he had used and tossed aside in the past. Yet, the thought of doing the same to the doctor felt like a betrayal.

He held his breath when she reached out with her free hand, her pointer finger tracing over the ball at the end of the bar beneath his crown. She moved onto the top bar before slicking her finger with his precum. She met his eyes as she licked it off her finger, and Roman lost his grip on his control. He pulled her against him, his erection splitting her robe and rubbing over the skin of her stomach. It felt fucking amazing. And if her loud moan was anything to go by, Angel felt the same way. He made short work of her belt, untying it and pushing the satin off her shoulders. She let the robe fall to the floor but didn’t put her gun away.

Roman stepped back, looking at the erotic picture she made. All that soft, creamy skin was rounded in all the right places. Her breasts hung low due to their weight and had large dark areolas with hard tips he wanted in his mouth yesterday. The dark steel resting against her dimpled thigh was just inches away from the neatly trimmed thatch of dark hair between her legs. She was magnificent.

“Well? Are you just going to stand there?” she taunted when he didn’t move.

Muttering in Italian, he picked her up and moved her to the closest flat surface. It wasn’t a horizontal surface, but the wall next to the refrigerator would work just as well. He shrugged out of his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, taking some care to place them on the kitchen countertop; he had a meeting in an hour and didn’t want to have to change beforehand. Then he let his pants drop to his ankles. He jacked his cock a few more times before stepping in close. The feel of her skin against his own had him groaning, and he took her mouth in a savage kiss.

Angela tightened her hands on his shoulders as much as the revolver would allow, giving as good as she got. She rubbed against him shamelessly, and Roman wondered if he would embarrass himself before he even got inside of her. He cupped her breasts, squeezing the heavy flesh before leaning down and taking a hard tip into his mouth. He sucked hard, hollowing his cheeks, gratified when Angela moaned and raised one of her legs to wrap around his hips. The action caused his dick to rub along her clit, and he felt wetness there already.

Straightening up, he gripped her thigh tightly with one hand, using his other to delve into the depths of her pussy. “Fuck!” he snarled. She was hot, tight, and wet.

“Ugh!” Angela shouted out, grinding down onto the two fingers he’d speared her with.

He had to be inside her. Now. “Are you on birth control?” Roman asked gruffly.

Angela looked at him as if she didn’t understand what he was saying. “What?”

“Birth control,” he repeated. “Are you on it? Because I want to feel this tight cunt gripping my cock bare. I’m not interested in anything between us. I’m clean. Are you? Don’t lie to me about this, Angel,” Roman warned.

She shook her head. “I would never. I’m on the pill. Have been for years. And I get tested every six months at work. I don’t have anything.”

“I don’t either,” Roman promised. “Do you believe me? Answer me, Angel,” he demanded, tilting her chin up when she remained silent. “Do you believe me?”

“Yes,” she gasped, riding his hand.

“Good,” he stated. He removed his fingers, wiping them on his dick to add some slickness, then he tilted her hips to his satisfaction and pushed into her in one smooth stroke.

The feel of her body opening to his—accepting his—made his eyes cross. There was some resistance—she was tight as hell—but the glide was smooth, thanks to her wetness. Running his hands over the back of her thighs, he fingered the crease where her ass met her legs before squeezing her sweet cheeks. He hiked her up, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist. He did his best to ignore her wiggling hips and gasping moans until she obeyed him.

When she was wrapped around him and pressed completely against the wall, he gripped her hips and pulled back until just the flared head of his cock remained in the inferno of her pussy. He locked eyes with her. “Look at me. Keep your eyes open,” he demanded. “I want you to see who’s fucking you. I want you to know it’s me giving you the best fucking of your life.”

It took a few seconds and two deep breaths before Angela obeyed. When she did, she smirked at him. “Promises, promises.”

Roman grunted, leaning forward to nip at her lips. “You just have to push, don’t you?”

“I can’t seem to help it,” she admitted. “You bring out the worst in me.”

“The worst?” he questioned, driving back into her and forcing her body against the wall with a slap. Her scream was music to his ears. “Or the best?”

Angela didn’t answer him, but he didn’t hold it against her. As he continued to pound into her, he found himself incapable of speech as well. Her body gripped his to perfection, and he made sure to tilt his hips just right so his magic cross hit her sweet spot with every hard thrust. He loved that she didn’t hold back, squeezing him with her thighs and scratching at him with her hands. She used her weight to shove herself down as much as his restraining hands would allow, clearly chasing her own pleasure. She was doing just as he had suggested and using him. But she did obey him, keeping her eyes on him the entire time.

He increased his tempo, slamming into her over and over again. Sweat dripped from his forehead onto her tits and he leaned down to lick it off. “Fuck!” he swore when Angela pulled roughly on the hair at his nape. He ground his hips against hers and dug his fingers into her ass, never breaking his rhythm.

The moment her release hit, her internal muscles clamped down so viciously on his cock that she damn near forced him out. He grunted, not having that at all, and pushed back in roughly as far as he could go. The tight fit had his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head, and his own release charged up his shaft. He came with a roar, his dick spurting inside of her. His tempo was completely ruined by the sheer pleasure pulsing through his system, as well as the grip her body had on his. So he ground his pelvis against hers instead, adding pressure and friction to her clit.

“Ugh! Oh my god!” Angela yelled, tossing her head back and squeezing her eyes closed. She panted and moaned and swore and screamed her way through her own orgasm.

Her beautiful face was a sublime mix of pleasure and pain and held so much shock that Roman wondered if she’d ever experienced such a release before. Or perhaps she didn’t want to, he thought, his heart beating a mile a minute even as his dick gave one last kick of cum. The way her jaw was clenched, and the solo tear that escaped her closed lashes had him thinking it was the latter.

Because that tear made him want to pull her close, instead of setting her aside, he lowered her legs from his hips and pulled out the moment he could. He steadied her with a hand to her elbow when she wobbled a little, receiving a glare for his efforts. Still, he didn’t let her go until he was positive she could stand on her own two feet.

She made no effort to cover herself, and she was still holding that damn Smith and Wesson revolver in her right hand. He could feel wetness high on his shoulder blade and realized the metal had dug into his skin hard enough to cut him. Some part of him wished it would scar. Which was madness. But it is what it is, he admitted. He had long ago stopped lying to himself. Living in denial had caused him and his family too much pain.

Bending over, he picked up Angela’s robe and held it out to her. She looked at it for a moment before taking it from him silently. She shrugged into it, pulling it closed and hiding her luscious body. But not before he saw some of his cum dripping out of her sweet hole and adding to the slickness on her inner thighs. A growl rumbled in his chest. He wanted to clean her up with his tongue. But that would be far too risky. He already felt a possessiveness over her he had no right feeling. Discovering what they tasted like together would be too much.

He finally noticed that she had yet to say anything, and he frowned, looking down at her. Her face was hidden from him by that wild hair of hers. He raised his hand to tuck it behind her ear, hesitating when she flinched. His frown deepened. He didn’t like that reaction at all. In fact, it made him want to kill. “Are you okay?” he asked, stepping back and giving her some space. “Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”
