Page 6 of Before Summer Ends

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“It’s a small sacrifice for the cause.” Calder shrugged, then headed for the toolbox.

“I just organized that. Put it all back when you’re done.” My demand would go unheard, nevertheless, I tried.

He flicked the bird over his head. “What’s the other one need?” He was referring to the second car in the garage.

“Oil change and new breaks.” I shut the hood I was working on. “I’m going to head to the office and get some work done.”

“Sounds good. I’ll work on this car.”

“Don’t go plotting anything evil. The bar is off limits,” I warned, before heading toward the storefront of the shop.

The office was connected to the customer area, and I unlocked it, my keys jingling. The lights flickered on when I hit the switch and kicked the stopper under the door so that I could hear Calder if he called for me.

My office, like everything else in my life, was tidy. Everything had a home, even the unorganized paperwork I needed to sift through. Most of it was junk mail and it could wait. Right now, I needed to identify our next target.

There was word of a voting rig about to happen. Someone on the black market had posted about voting polls being hacked to change the outcome of the most recent presidential election. This was actually something that happened a lot. Even middle grade hackers could get behind the firewalls of a voting machine. But what had caught my eye was a special op name. Something called High Ground.

Usually I had Parker restructure the firewalls after kicking out the hacker, and we moved on. I hoped that was all this was, but wasn’t convinced. I wasn’t positive, but I thought maybe this was a conspiracy that ran deeper than just someone wanting a certain candidate to win. Something in my gut told me this went beyond the red and blue parties.

Firing up my computer, I got to work digging into who was behind this High Ground, and what it could mean.

Chapter Four


Sweat dripped from my forehead. The Georgia heat was ungodly, even in the elevated mountains. I was dressed in jean shorts and a tank top, my hair sticking to my face while the man who delivered my tiny home waved off a few workers.

He called me about thirty minutes ago to say they’d just positioned it, stacked it on blocks, and he was setting up the water tank for me now. He was dressed in a gray tank top, jeans and steel-toed work boots, waving to me with a bright smile on his face. There was a dark five o’clock shadow dusting his face, and it wasn’t as thick as the one Shane had.

He was wearing a plain black ball cap twisted backwards. His hazel eyes sparkled when I approached. He seemed chipper, and soft. Less intense than the man I’d just encountered outside of the bar. But this man was just as attractive.

I fanned myself as I approached. If these were the type of men I would be encountering on a daily basis, I’d need to up my vibrating game. My little replaceable battery operated toy would be getting so much use, I’d replace the batteries daily at this rate. I’d have to splurge and get something chargeable.

“Hi,” I said, extending my hand. “I’m Thea.”

“Hey Thea. Hendrix Whittman. I’m the one who’s been in communication with you these past few weeks.”

Hendrix. Mmm, that was a sexy name. It matched him, too. Strong name with toned biceps and forearms, yet sweet and approachable. He took my hand in his and our electricity combined. It sent a swirling ring of nerves through my stomach.

“I’ve got some paperwork for you to sign. Mind if we go into the house? The power is running in there, so it’s cool.” He flashed me a sweet grin that sent my heart shuddering.

“Sure,” I said, my voice weak. I clenched my thighs together, unsure what was happening to me. Was this just from the combination of no sex and meeting two attractive men back to back? It had to have been.

Hendrix gave me my hand back, and I dropped it to my side quickly. I glanced at the exterior of my new home. It was a mahogany color two stories tall, and I was excited to check out the inside. I’d seen plenty of pictures, but this was the first time I’d be inside. I followed him up the metal steps that were attached to the frame of the wheels and through the front door.

The kitchen was front and center. It had a five burner stove and a full sized fridge which was mostly what I was worried about. To the right was a small bedroom with a loft on top of it. The ladder was tucked against the wall, but pulled out. It would be perfect for Paisley. The left had a space for a living area and a bathroom. There were steps that led to another loft space, perfect for my friend Chrissy.

She’d be here in a few weeks to help me get the bar up and running.

There was also a nook where I’d be able to put a tiny washing machine and dryer.

Everything was basic. I figured I’d add some paint to it, so I wasn't worried about aesthetics.

“What do you think?” Hendrix asked.

His eyes were trained on me, as I opened the pantry space and drawers, inspecting it for any imperfections. I found none. Turning back, I smiled. “It’s awesome. Thanks.”

He dips his head in approval. The curve of his lips increased, and I caught the workings of a scar behind his ear, gliding down his neck when he turned to grab a file on the countertop.

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