Page 21 of Before Summer Ends

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She squirmed, but headed for the bench.

I continued my lecture. “So close to sunset, too. Wouldn’t want you stranded in the dark. Who knows what kinds of creatures could be out there.”

“Hopefully more helpful ones than you,” she teased. She rummaged through a few things, then set down the alternator on the worktable. “Nice.” She nodded in approval, running her fingers over the white tabletop. “White.”

A white work surface meant it was easier to find tiny pieces that found themselves rolling away. My chest squeezed, and I frowned. Was that pride? For a girl I barely knew? A girl that was off limits because she already had two of my best friends circling her like great white sharks, waiting to get a bite of their next meal.

I shook my head, trying to remember what we were talking about. Right, her in a dangerous situation. I tried to mask it as fatherly concern. “I’m serious. We’re in the sticks, Thea. Not safe out here alone.”

She shrugged, cocking her head toward the entrance of the shop. “I’ve got a Beretta M9 in the dash.” She pulled her attention from the work in front of her, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “I’ve never missed.”

My lips twitched. “You’ve shot someone before?”

A shoulder hitched as she returned back to the alternator. “Shot his tires out. Wanted to aim for his dick, but the tires were more valuable to him.”

I chuckled. “His tires were more valuable than his cock?”

Her eyes danced with amusement. “Poured more money into his souped up Civic than into me. I’d say that means he valued the car, more than the ability to make love. Right?”

“Poor bastard. He found himself a crazy one.”

She didn't respond as she muttered to herself, taking apart the piece in front of her, working with soft curses, until she placed it all together again. She muttered a prayer, then cleaned up the mess she made. “Thanks for letting me use your space. I can pay you back.”

“Don’t worry about it. Get home safe,” I said. Then ducked back into the office to finish preparing for our mission.

Chapter Twelve


“Little John.” Hendrix’s voice chimed into the earpiece.

I earned my nickname in a less than creative way, and it turned into the code name we used when we spoke through comms. Though, I couldn’t completely hate the name. It was coined after discovering I had the biggest dick, after all. Jealous fuckers. I smirked, my hands gripping the wheel of the truck.

“Yes, Rooster?” I asked, my voice laced with irritation. I was sick of having these two numbnuts chirping in my ear like this was gossip hour over tea. Where the fuck was Shane already, to nip this in the bud?

“The pooch is in the building.”

“Copy.” I pulled the tow truck onto a dirt path off the main highway. “Little John is in position.”

Parker’s snickering came through the line. He always giggled whenever he heard that name over the earpiece. Hendrix followed with a fit of giggles next.

“Pooch, you get the kitten home safe and sound this morning?” Hendrix asked.

I gritted my teeth. Fucking bastards, my brothers were.

Bringing that bar girl home last night, and now they were chirping about it as I pulled a black sweatshirt over my head. As if hearing them in the moment wasn’t enough. We were twenty-minutes out from the mission starting, and I was sick of hearing about her.

They’d hear from me too, about fucking the bar owner now that I knew who she was. Shane wouldn’t be happy either, with them poking their dicks around so close to home.

“Focus,” Shane snapped.

My chest deflated. The boss was here to put my juvenile teammates into their places. Silence filled through the headpiece. We were back on track.

“Top Banana is on deck.” Hen said, amusement dripping from the words.

Shane groaned, and I smirked. He hated that fucking name, but would never pull rank to change it. It brought Parker and Hendrix too much laughter, and that was a lightheartedness we needed.

I rolled down the driver’s window to light up a smoke, while I waited for my role for this evening.

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