Page 53 of Learning to Walk

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I couldn’t.

“Is it rewarding bad behavior to go back now?” I can’t imagine Brady’s mom approving of any of it. “We shouldn’t reward bad behavior.”

I was supposed to be either getting an orgasm or talking about a spanking that would lead to an orgasm.

This was neither of those things.

“Brady’s worried, though.” Cash sighed and somehow that seemed to be the signal for us to go.

I wasn’t sure how it happened, but in seconds, I had my pillow and the toothbrushes and Cash was slowly leading us upstairs like we were headed toward the guillotine. “This is ridiculous.”

“I know. I didn’t even get to come this morning.” Ignoring the giggles that came from somewhere on the stairs, I sighed. “How did this happen?”

“We live with the biggest worrywarts on the planet?”

Cash’s answer was helpful and confusing.

“Are we living with Jude?” I hadn’t thought of it that way. “I kind of thought Brady was living with him and they just visited us sometimes.”

That made Cash stop in the middle of the stairs.

After a few seconds, he shrugged. “I don’t know. It seems like he’s always around and he’s even bossier lately and he brought groceries the other day. Doesn’t that mean he lives with us too?”

Was that the threshold? Groceries and being bossy?

“I don’t know.” I thought I knew, but it seemed like we needed to have more than one conversation. “Should we ask Brady or his mom? I’m not sure who makes the rules on when people are living together and not just visiting a lot.”

Cash chuckled as he started walking again. “I say we ask his mother.”

Mumbling something about serving the brat right, Cash seemed to be in much better spirits as we headed inside the apartment, but that didn’t last long. Brady and Jude were sitting on the couch like parents waiting for kids who’d broken curfew to come home.

I’d seen it on TV before, so it was easy to recognize.

“I was so worried.” Brady frowned and shook his head. “You were with a stranger.”

Were we?

We knew his name.

We’d given him a blow job.

We’d had dinner with him.

Deciding to take a page from Cash’s usual playbook, I sighed and headed back to put our toothbrushes and stuff away. I’d hoped that by the time I got back they’d have figured out how to behave or I’d have figured out a good answer to the stranger issue, but neither of those happened and Cash was just glaring at Brady.

“When does he stop being a stranger?” Deciding that it seemed like a group discussion topic, I frowned at Brady. “I’m not sure if sexual contact is a deciding factor in that or not.”

Cash’s groan seemed to mean he was voting for it being a deciding factor as he rubbed his hands over his face, but Brady sighed and sounded like his mother. “Oh, no. You need to get to know someone first.”


Before I could figure out how that made any sense at all, Brady stood up and came over to us. “I was so worried about you. You should talk about spankings with family. I didn’t realize strangers were the only option if I didn’t step in. I’ll be rude. Don’t worry. It can go on the bugs and Jesus list.”


Leaning closer to Cash, I tried to whisper. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

Chapter 15
