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Mason didn’t take the bait. He played with it. “I didn’t want to say anything…”

I playfully hit him on the forearm and pretended to be totally offended. “Wow, that is just not right. I’m going to have to start making your drinks less strong.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Mason said. “Anything but that.”

I poured him another whiskey and sat it on the bar. He looked up at me as he fingered his glass. “So, thanks for the listening ear. I appreciate it. The past year has been a crazy ride and it’s been so nice coming in here and chatting with you.”

“Likewise,” I said. “You aren’t getting all sappy on me, are you?”

He laughed. “Yes, maybe I am.” Mason checked the clock and finished his drink. “I’d better head home and relieve the nanny.”

“Ok,” I said. “You have a great one. And thanks again.”

“Anytime,” he replied.

He walked out the door.

I didn’t see him again for almost three weeks.

Chapter 7


I kept thinking about Terry. That bastard. The way he had talked to Laney was horrible. He really thought he could strong arm her and intimidate her into coming back to him. That idiot had another thing coming. I was so close to punching his lights out. He was big and in shape, but he had nothing in his eyes. He was a dumb ass. And being stupid did not a great fighter make, especially if the person you are fighting has even a little bit of real training. I knew I could have taken him out.

But I’m glad it didn’t come to that. All I needed was for this sort of thing to break on the news or TMZ that wealthy businessman Mason Blackburn was involved in a bar fight. That would not do well for my image, but image be damned I would have beaten Tyler’s ass. And I knew he could see it in my eyes that I had his number. He wasn’t going to intimidate me one little bit. And that scared him. Typical bully. He wasn’t about to put himself to an actual test. He used fear and intimidation as his primary weapons. If that didn’t work, he had little else to back it up unless he was physically superior to his opponent.

I made my way home and entered a darkened, somewhat empty sounding house. I knew that Jack would be in bed. I missed that I didn’t get a chance to tuck him in, but I had to work late and then I figured I might as well stop at the bar to chat with Laney. It was the best therapy I had going. And sometimes I had a lot to get off my chest. Jack’s health was ripping me apart. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. The stress of it all was killing me.

I found the nanny, Maria reading a book in the living room in dim light. She startled as I entered the room. “Ah, I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Sorry. How is Jack?”

“He was fine, perfectly normal. He ate well and went to bed with no problems.”


“Um, there is something I need to tell you, though.”

“Oh?” This didn’t sound good. I braced myself. I suddenly wished I had another whiskey in my hand. Bad news always went down so much better if it was being chased by whiskey.

“Yes, I just got off the phone a while ago. My mother is very ill. I need to go and be with her in Wyoming. I have to leave tomorrow morning. I’m so sorry to do this to you, but I’m not sure how much time I will have with her before she won’t know who I am. It’s brain cancer. Stage four. It’s inoperable and she is fading by the day. I… I just have to go.”

My heart sank. I put my hands on my hips and braced myself as the news hit me all at once and I took several deep breaths.

“I understand,” I said. “I’m sorry to see you go, but I do understand. I hope your mother isn’t in pain, and I’m so sorry to hear about her illness.”

I paid Maria and she left. I was now alone in the quite house except my son who was sleeping in his room. What was I going to do now? I needed a nanny right away. I needed someone I could rely on. Shit. This was really going to be difficult.

I grabbed my laptop and pulled up the internet. I did a search for qualified nannies, filled out a profile with a few different websites and agencies and then waited, but there was no way I was going to get someone qualified with a proper background check done on them for tomorrow. I would have to work a lot from home the next few days most likely and right now was a very busy time. I didn’t have time to do that.

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