Page 17 of Breaking Limits

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“Yeah, I know.” Just hearing his name fucking hurts, all I’ve been thinking about since he showed up here was the hurt on his face when I sent him away.

“I went to a River Boy party last week and he was there. He’s not himself, Leia. He was acting like a jerk.”

“None of us are ourselves,” I point out, looking out at the woods behind the house. The other night when I got up for a glass of water, I could have sworn I saw him standing in the shadows. Maybe I needed the comfort that the idea of it brought me, so I let myself imagine it. It’s only evidence that what I said to him could never be true. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, I could never hate Wade Carson.

“Was he with anybody?” I can’t help asking, I know what kind of things go on at River Boy parties, and what Wade’s reputation used to be like.

“You mean was he with any girls?” She raises her eyebrows.

“Yeah, that's what I mean,” I hiss back at her, feeling that time is of the essence here.

“No, Leia, he looked broken,” she tells me with a sad smile, sitting back in her chair when she notices Caleb step back out of the house.

“Here we go.” He takes the full pitcher straight over to Mother and tops up her glass, then does the same for Karina.

“None for you, sweetheart, we’re better off being safe rather than sorry.” He strokes his hand over my flat stomach, and I watch my sister screw up her face from the corner of my eye.

We spend another hour with my parents, making mindless small talk and pretending everything’s okay. Eventually, they leave, and when they do, my sister looks full of pity. I fake more smiles as I wave them off, with Caleb's arm wrapped affectionately around my waist. Soon as they're out of sight, I struggle out of his hold and head inside, distracting myself by tidying up the empty glasses and plates that have been dumped on the kitchen counters. I feel him step up behind me, placing his hands on either side of my hips. The connection makes me shiver and I have to try really hard not to show it.

“Will you be entering anything into the Fork River show this weekend?” he asks, placing a delicate kiss on my neck.

“I didn’t think we’d be going.” I turn my body so I’m looking right at him.

“Why ever not?” He slides the strand of hair that hangs over my bruised eye away, purposely to draw attention to it, and I refuse to play his mind games.

“You’ve been so busy with the practice lately.” I shrug.

“Darling, the Fork River Show is a tradition that's been going on for years,everyoneattends. It will be a good opportunity for us to show the town how happy we are. Maybe you could enter an arrangement, I’m sure Suzanna would be happy to help you.” He speaks so tentatively that it makes me want to scream.

“Maybe.” I look down at the floor and hold in all my frustration.

“Good, I’ll have her come over tomorrow afternoon. She was telling John how much she enjoyed your company.” He kisses my cheek before leaving me with the dishes.

Inside my head, I pick one of them up and throw it right at him. And in reality, I don’t do a damn thing.

Me: Plan is on! You know what to do.

Isend Noah the text before sliding my phone back into my jeans and listening to Garrett.

“We all know the Masons are gonna be there, and we all know their sole intention will be to get a rise outta us. What I’m tellin’ all of ya is that it ain’t gonna happen.” Seeing my brother pace in front of us with a tiny baby hanging frontward across his forearm makes me snigger.

Today’s the day of the annual Fork River Show, an event this town has always made a huge fuckin’ deal out of. Garrett’s got our whole workforce lined up in front of the porch, along with Maisie and Mother, who are ready to take the triplets out for their first outing.

“You sure you're up to this?” Garrett checks with Maisie.

“I’m positive, we’re packed for all eventualities, and I’m feeling great.”

“And you?” The smile drops off his face when he looks at Mom. It’s been a whole week since I’ve been back, and he’s still just as frosty toward her. Not that I can pass much judgment. I’ve been frosty witheveryone.

“I’m looking forward to it,” she responds to his stern look with an excited smile. “I can’t wait to show off my grandbabies to the whole town.” She makes a fuss of the baby that's in the car seat she’s holding, and Maisie gives Garrett anI told you so lookthat I know will drive him crazy.

“Cole,” Garrett turns his attention to our brother. “I mean what I say, you stay away from Old Man Mason, and the mayor.”

“Why would he have to stay away from the mayor?” Mom laughs, staring down the line at us all in confusion. No one’s told her what really happened to Bree, and we ain’t gonna. The less people who know, the better. When the mayor finally disappears, there can’t be anything that brings any suspicion onto us.

“That goes for you too, Wade.” Garrett turns his attention to me. “Stay away from Leia and Caleb, you know he’s gonna be paradin’ her around like a prized bull. He’ll wanna goad ya into startin’ somethin’. Today, we have the eyes of the whole town on us and there will benofuckin’ fightin’.” He points his finger between me and Cole before stepping in front of Mitch.

“The team good to go?” he checks.

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