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I wasn’t really his biggest fan, and I knew that very well. He put on a good show, sure, but he still didn’t even remember who I was. We dated. We planned for a future together and he…forgot.

I mean, okay, I did disappear on him without telling him exactly what happened and…

Suddenly, I sat up on the bed. “Oh, that petty motherf—”

I was agitated. I wanted this cleared up right then and there. Yeah, he was my boss, but I didn’t care at that moment. There was a rage in my steps, and it wasn’t going to stop until I confronted him.

Thankfully, there was only one penthouse suite here, and I knocked on that door aggressively.

A couple of seconds passed by… and there was no response. I spot a button on the side of the doorframe. Thinking it must be a doorbell, I incessantly pressed it a couple of times. During my fourth press, the door immediately swung open, revealing Damian in none other than a low-hanging white towel as he rubbed his wet hair with another one. With his arms raised up, his biceps flexed in a way that made me immediately flustered, but what made me even more speechless was how his chest and abdomen were actually to die for, not to mention the teasing v-line that led to his –

“Can I help you?” Damian’s voice brought me back to earth. I didn’t particularly think he noticed me staring at him, since his expression was blank and his voice was disinterested.

I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, trying to regain my composure.

“Look, I think we had a misunderstanding,” I started, looking him directly in the eye, averting my gaze from any of his muscles. It didn’t help that the bored expression in his ocean-blue eyes somehow made him a million times hotter. “I was just saying that those people spent their money to see you, and –”

“And it makes me look like a monster to just take their money and run away at the first opportunity,” Damian continued, not letting me finish while he continued to rub his hair dry. “Is that what you’re trying to say?”

I took a breath, a small frown forming on my lips. “Yes,” I admitted, still not swaying from his piercing gaze.

“Great. Then I don’t think we had a misunderstanding. Good night,” Damian concluded, swinging the door to close on my face, but I stopped it just in time with my hand, pushing it open again.

“No, I’m certain we do. I’m certain we’re not on the same page…”

“Thalia, what do you think this is? Why do you think we’re doing what we’re doing?” Damian interrupted once more. “This business is an industry. Themusic industry. We’re in here to make songs, perform live, but ultimately to make mon –”

“Please let me finish!” I begged. I wasn’t yelling at him, but I did raise my voice. I was so sick of being interrupted by this man, I just wanted to get my point fully across. Damian looked shocked for a second, before pursing his lips and letting me finally speak. “I just… I just wish you saw how many people took their time to come see you perform because they resonated with your songs. With your art,” I started, my voice uncontrollably starting to shake. “I was in the crowd the whole night, and you were actually changing their lives, and it doesn’t even seem like you understood that.”

Damian’s eyes slowly softened as his hold against the hotel door let go.

“And it hurts to hear you say that, you know, Damian… That you’re only in this business for the money,” I admitted, not holding back anymore. Maybe there was a reason why Damian didn’t remember me from that very first morning. Maybe it was because the Damian from five years ago… the Damian I fell in love with was no longer there. “I once was inspired by this artist who started in this industry with the dream of writing and performing songs about his life in hopes of having people relate and connect with his work, so that they could have someone expressing their sentiments for them,” I told him, and I could see his face from five years ago as I did. So warm, so bright, so innocent. “He told me that good music should move people, and shouldn’t just sell. That if no one wanted to buy his songs, but he managed to change someone’s life, then that would be good enough for him.”

Damian’s breath slowed down for a second. He looked up at the ceiling and opened the door slightly more. “...and who was this artist?” he inquired, his eyes softer than ever and his lips trembling.

You. It was you. Five years ago.

There was a yearning in the air. Something filled with carnal emotions that began to drown out any other thought I had in my head.

“Some idiot,” I answered, and I couldn’t even keep track of what I was doing as I was slowly but fully engrossed in the way his ocean blue eyes turned a darker shade. His left arm gently snaked against my hips as our faces leaned closer to each other. The smell of his shower gel and the coldness of the water against his warm, naked skin were starting to drive me to madness. “...some big-headed, lazy, stupid idiot who couldn’t even remember his first love.”

Damian’s lips tugged up to a smirk as I started to feel his breath against mine. “Must be the biggest idiot in the world then,” he agreed, as his arm was now fully against my back, pulling me closer.

In the heat of the moment, I allowed myself to be lost. Eyes closed, knees weak. Every thought I wanted to present, every feeling I wanted to let out, was all replaced by something else. Something simple, but something that could be incredibly harmful and painful. But I didn’t care.

I wanted what I wanted. And despite myself, I wanted Damian right now.

Before I knew it, our lips met. Damian’s were tentative at first, but when I responded with my hand in his hair, he deepened the kiss. My other hand ran up his muscular back as he hauled me inside, slamming the door behind us and pressing me against it.

For just one night, I wanted simple. Nothing would be simple with Damian in the morning, but tonight, we could just have this.

Like the studio, the air in the penthouse was ice-cold. I didn’t really understand Damian’s preference for a freezing room, but currently, it was something I didn’t mind. Actually, I thought that at that moment, it was entirely too hot. His fingers racing up my spine were setting my entire body on fire. Every time they ran up, I got unbelievable tingles rushing through all my nerve endings, making me clutch onto his soft and still-damp hair. Heat shot between my legs when he let out the husky groan I hadn’t heard in ages.

“Damn,” Damian whispered, pulling away and revealing his perfect teeth through a perfect smile. “We shouldn’t be doing this, you know.” His words were weak as he proceeded to crush his lips against mine. In a bold move, his other hand gripped my ass, underneath my skirt, making me groan. With that, he took advantage and let his tongue slip inside my mouth, claiming me, and my mind immediately went blank.

I couldn’t respond to what he was saying, but he was right. We definitely shouldn’t be doing this. At this moment, I didn’t even know what we were. I knew for a fact that he was my boss, and I was his employee. But somehow, that just made it a whole lot hotter. So, without wasting another second, I allowed my tongue to explore his and kissed him back even rougher and deeper. I pulled him even closer, feeling every inch of him along my body. The feeling of his muscles against me was almost enough to melt me completely. God, this man was just so stupidly attractive, and I wanted him right then and there. Instinctively, I jumped up and gripped my legs around his waist. He caught me instantaneously and started to walk us back to his king-sized bed, our lips moving hungrily against each other, panting for more.

When we entered his bedroom, I had successfully unzipped my dress, and it was just barely hanging on my shoulders. When Damian put me down on his bed, he took a quick second to get a good look at me, his eyes filled with lust, and I knew mine were too. We both clearly weren’t thinking about it anymore. We just wanted what we wanted, and we didn’t care if it was right or wrong.
