Page 64 of Whiskey Smoke

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“Okay, you two are teaching me how to cook. I am feeling left out.”

Gage chuckled. “You don’t have to cook, baby. You’ve already got my favorite thing to eat between your legs.”

“Jesus, Gage,” Huck growled.

Gage laughed, and Shiloh slapped at his chest.

Ramona was rubbing on me again, and I wanted to shove her away. Far away. I shifted to try and gently remove her without being cruel.

“I’m hungry,” I said.

Everyone was fixing their plates, and my gaze kept going to Aspen’s plate. It was empty, and she wasn’t moving to get anything. Once I sat back down, I saw Kye trying to put creamed potatoes on her plate, and she shook her head. He grabbed for the mac and cheese, and she refused it.

Dammit! She couldn’t sit here and not eat. I got it—she was upset about Ramona. I’d fucked up. I hadn’t known she would be here. This shit was getting sticky, and I didn’t know what to do about it. Frustrated, I leaned over and grabbed her plate. Her eyes shot up to meet mine.

“You have to eat, Aspen.”

She was so damn tense, and I hated it.

“Okay,” she finally replied softly and reached for her plate.

I shook my head. “I’ll fix it. Just sit.”

I knew every fucker at this table was watching me. They were all thinking I was an asshole. Well, except Ramona, who had no clue what was going on. I made sure Aspen had some of everything, then put it back in front of her.

She didn’t say anything or look at me. I saw Kye’s arm move, as if he was patting her leg.

My eyes swung to his. “Don’t.”

His jaw clenched. “Fuck off.”

I pointed to the door. “NOW!” I growled, shoving my chair back and stalking out without making sure he was following me.

He would. I knew him too well.

I kept going until I was far enough away from the conference room. My fists were ready to break his fucking nose. Turning, I glared at him as he made his way toward me.

He held up his hands. “What? You gonna hit me? Well, go for it. But understand this: I’m going to hit you back. Because you fucking deserve it. I’ve not done shit!”

“What? I didn’t know she was going to be here. It’s not like I fucked in front of her. Jesus! Everyone is overreacting.”

Kye pointed at the door leading to the garage. “She saw you, and I was the one who found her. I want to bash your face into a brick wall so damn bad right now. You didn’t see the look on her face while you were shouting about coming down the bitch’s throat. I. DID.”

It felt like he’d taken his shot and knocked the air out of me. “Fuck,” I muttered, walking over to sit down on the nearest chair. I dropped my head into my hands.

“Yeah, fuck,” he snarled. “She was devastated. It broke my heart. I swear to God, in that moment, I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone more than I did you.”

Join the club.

“Figure this shit out, man. Stop yanking her around. She’s too damn sweet for your bullshit. She’s safe. We’ve all agreed she is under no threat. They apparently got what they were looking for at Kitty’s. No one has seen them in Ocala in weeks.”

My head shot up. “No. She needs me. I can’t just let her go.”

Kye narrowed his gaze. “Does she need you, or do you need her?”

“Listen, I think I’m going to go,” Ramona said, stepping around Kye.

“Probably a good idea,” Kye replied.

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