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Edo definitely did. But Cass doesn’t seem like a crazy party girl. She rolls her eyes and brushes him off.

“I’m here on the Coast working for my cousin’s family,” Cass says. “I’m from Thessaloniki. My idiot brothers want me back next week, unfortunately. But I could use a night out before I go.”

Edo claps his hands. “Yay! Party time. Too bad Jalousie only caters to the most chauvinistic mafia pigs you can imagine.”

“I thought you said they were hotties?!”

“They are,” Edo says. “But they might be assholes.”

Now he tells me. Edo would have said anything to get me out of my damn apartment. I hope I don’t regret it.

“Watch it,” Cass cautions, an impish smile on her face. “Those chauvinistic mafia pigs are my cousins and brothers.”

Edo shrugs. “Fine. Fine. But I need dick too. Gay rights.”

Cass swats his shoulder.

“Edo, why don’t you let me take her for the night? There’s no one at Jalousie for you, and you can go meet up with Klaus or… that other one.”

Edo suddenly straightens his back and reminds both of us that just because he’s gay doesn’t mean he’s given up on old world chivalry.

“I can’t send Jodi off with a stranger,” he says.

I appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t know if Edo would do much damage against… any man who weighed more than his slight 108 lb frame.

“I’m fine,” I tell him. “Seriously.”

“I’m armed anyway,” Cass says. I think she’s joking, but neither of them laughs. Is she serious? She doesn’t look armed, and she looks more like a model than someone who knows how to use a weapon.

I could use a female friend in my life over here. I’ve got plenty of female friends back home, but they all want to talk about Kyle and my “healing journey”. They don’t want to hear that I’m still lost after all these months.

Edo shrugs. “If you insist.”

“I insist,” I tell him. “You’ve done enough taking care of me. Plus, I’ll get to know my new friend… Cass.”

“Exactly,” Cass says. “Jodi… I think we can become wonderful friends. We can swap stories about Edo.”

“There are no stories about Edo,” he chimes in. “Because Edo is an incredible friend and a better bartender.”

“Shoo,” Cass says. “I can handle things from here.”

Edo doesn’t quite walk off, but he checks his phone and begins texting furiously to plan his next move.

“It’s the last time they have DJ Fat Camel playing here. We’ll dance, drink and later, I’ll take you home, yes?”

“That sounds good to me.”

“Well, you have my number if Cass abandons you on the top of a Ferris wheel,” Edo says as he swipes four times quickly across his screen and then shoves his phone into his pocket.

Cass rolls her eyes. “I have done nothing of the sort. Get out of here, you big drama queen.”


Cass and I say “Ciao!”

Edo walks down the cobblestone streets and lights a cigarette before disappearing around the corner. Cass breathes a sigh of relief and turns to me.

“I just think you’re perfect,” she says.

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