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“What in the Lord’s name do you mean you’re in love?” he growls.

I hear Pistol barking downstairs. Thanks for looking out for us, buddy. That dog loves Harry more than he loves me, I swear and he’s probably only barking for his breakfast, not out of any sense of loyalty to me. He was a good K9, best damn one we ever had, but he’s tired as hell and deserves the rest. It’s Kort’s job to worry about protecting cops now.

“What do you mean you’re not dying? You sound like you’re dying when you cough like that,” Brittany says, switching over to being the person doing the lecturing instead of receiving the lecture.

“I have allergies.”


“Terrible allergies. They’ve caused these polyps or whatever and they’re pretty bad, growing in my nasal cavity, causing sleep apnea and what not… and I guess along with all the beer—

“I thought you quit beer,” Brittany interjects, turning disapprovingly on her father. I knew Harry still drank occasionally. Most ex-cops have to do something to cope with civilian life and usually it’s beer for a while until the beer catches up with you and turns to golf.

“I quit liquor,” Harry replies gruffly. “Apparently, I was having too much beer. It’s making the problem worse. Something like that.”

“Polyps? What are polyps?” Brittany asks. “They’re growing?!”

“I just need surgery and I’ll be fine,” her dad says. “But without the surgery… I could die in my sleep.”

“How long until this damned surgery!?” Brittany presses.

“Nope. I need one of those sleep apnea machines, a few steroid shots and they’ll schedule my surgery in six to eight weeks.”

“So there’s no cancer?” Brittany asks, hesitating.

Her father shakes his head. Relief floods through me. I forget I have my dick hanging out for a second because I’m so fucking relieved. He’s gonna be okay and Brittany can do her classes and all the shit she wants to do. She doesn’t have to lose her father and I don’t have to lose my best friend.

“Can’t they get you in sooner?” Brittany asks. Fuck, he’s gonna be okay. Brittany has her hand on her father’s back and my heart swells with temporary pride. Then I realize I’m naked and my pride immediately vanishes. I grab my jeans and slip into them before my dick ruins Harry and Brittany’s special moment. This is good news.

“I don’t need to go in sooner,” Harry says. “I’m going to live. Got the call this morning, rushed to your room to tell you and… you know the rest.”

I reach for the shotgun and check the chamber. Motherfucker. I unload the shell and set the gun against the dresser with the muzzle up. As the shotgun shell clatters to the ground, Brittany gasps.

“Daddy, you were really going to shoot him?”

“Yes,” Harry says, the rage returning to his voice again. “I still might.”

Brittany grasps her dad’s forearm. “Daddy, stop. Fletcher saved me from being a complete idiot last night and we got to talking and… he’s the only person who understands how much you mean to me. He’s the only person who’s ever been there for me, who would be there for me no matter what happened to you. He’s never hurt me.”

“I swear, Harry. I never meant… Fuck… I didn’t mean for this to happen. I swear.”

“I can’t look at you without wondering… I mean, Fletcher… You’ve been single for a long time and you never—

“Never,” Brittany interrupts. “I swear, daddy. Fletcher’s not a bad person. He’s not.”

“You’re only twenty.”

“I’ve been an adult for two whole years and looking after you for longer,” Brittany responds.

“Hey there. I can handle myself,” Harry grumbles.

“Except for all the damn beer you drink,” Brittany shoots back.

I can’t let them get into another argument without telling them both the truth about how I feel.

“Harry, I love Brittany. I’ve always loved her like family and it’s just… she’s older. She’s turned into someone else. Still the same old Britt but… I can’t imagine my life without her.”

“She’s my daughter, Fletcher. My baby girl. I don’t know how you expect me to accept this.”

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