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She laughed, “I might be old but my memory works just fine. What about him?”

“I’m not interested in him or anyone at this time.”

“You know, you’re human. Every human being needs a companion, no matter how much we pretend that we don’t. Give love a chance.”

“I will, eventually. Besides, things at the gallery are so busy. Between Ava, my work and myself, I won’t have time for a relationship.”

“You’re telling stories. You also know that you’re raising a child. Ava needs a father figure in her life. This is not entirely about you.”

I was quiet at her last statement. My mind traveled to Leon, Ava’s father.

“That one struck a nerve, huh?” she asked and I chuckled.

“No, it did not. I was just thinking of something else.”

“I’m not trying to piss you off or anything. I just want to remind you of the important things.”

“Alright, Aunty. I’ve heard all you’ve said.” I responded, eager for the call to end.

“That’s great. If I have some time, I’ll come over to see my little angel next weekend.”

“That’s fine.”

“Talk to you later.”

The call ended and I focused my attention back on the road but Aunt Stella’s words lingered on my mind. Ava needed a father figure. I had heard this so many times recently.

We might not be able to make it for ice cream, so I stopped by a coffee shop to get some iced coffee for myself and some sweet pastry snacks for Ava, to make up for the ice cream. I got down from the car and brought Ava down, then we both went inside.

There was a little queue and I stood, waiting for my turn. It got to our turn and I was just done making our orders when I heard a familiar voice call my name.


I froze and my heart started racing. What was Leon doing here? Before I turned to face him, I hoped and prayed that it was someone else that sounded just like him but when I finally turned, there he was standing there in a pair of jeans and a loose shirt that was barely buttoned, exposing his rock-hard chest.

“Leon. What… what are you doing here?” I asked nervously.

“Errrr… getting coffee, like every other person here. Who is this little angel?” he asked, squatting to Ava’s height.

“Ava,” I responded.

“Hi, Ava.” He spent some time playing with her and Ava, who was usually averse to strangers, was weirdly free with him. There was a candy jar on the counter. He dipped his hand into it, took a few and signaled the girl on the counter that he’d pay for them. He handed them over to Ava and her tiny hands tried to hold on to as many as she could. Some of them fell on the floor. He bent down and picked them up.

“I don’t give her so much candy,” I said.

“Let her live a little. She’s just a toddler.” He said, “Is she the reason you’ve been so cold to me?” he asked.

I moved out of the line for the person behind me to move forward and place their order. He moved with me. Ava was busy unwrapping her candy and just then, I noticed how similar she was to Leon in the way her lips curled upwards as she struggled with the wrapper. I started to panic slightly, thinking that he’d notice their similarity.

“I didn’t know if you’d still be interested in going out with me if you found out about her. Why are you getting coffee yourself?” I asked immediately, trying to change the topic.

“I wanted an iced coffee.”

“I mean, you could have sent a staff.”

“Oh, I was in the area heading to my brother’s house. I decided to stop by and pick some coffee up for us.”

I nodded in response and looked at Ava, she was putting a candy wrapper in her mouth. I quickly took it from her, opened the wrapper properly, and put the candy in her mouth.

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