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“It falls on deaf ears.”

“Are you done?”

He stood for a moment, thinking about it. “I guess I am.”

“I’m so glad!”

He drained the taco meat before adding seasoning. She noticed he didn’t use a seasoning packet, but she didn’t want to ask what he did use. She was afraid of the answer.

They put each of the toppings into a different bowl, and laid them out on the counter, and she went to get chips from the pantry. They were corn chips, and she hoped it wouldn’t open the dam of hiscornyjokes again.

She mentally groaned at her own joke. If this kept up, it was going to be a very long night.

When the doorbell rang, Shelby rushed to go to the door. She was excited to meet Jeff, and she knew she’d have a good time with Tricia. “Welcome!”

Tricia smiled. “Thanks for having us. This is Jeff, and Jeff, this is Shelby.”

“Good to meet you,” Jeff said, smiling.

“You too! Dinner will be ready in just a minute. Nate is in the kitchen finishing everything up. He’s in a mood though, so I hope you don’t mind bad jokes.”

Tricia laughed. “Bad jokes are always good. I’ve had contests to see who can make everyone else groan the loudest.”

“Don’t give Nate any ideas!”

They all went into the kitchen. “We just did a taco bar with flour tortillas, taco shells, and chips. We can each make what we want.”

“I approve,” Jeff said. “Tacos make the world go round.”

Nate put his hand out for Jeff to shake. “You think a bit too much like my wife. I may have to ban you from my home.”

“Tacos have all the food groups! You can’t get any healthier,” Shelby said.

“I can’t disagree with that,” Jeff said.

“What do you do for a living, Jeff?”

Jeff shrugged. “I sell insurance. Tricia’s been telling me about your house-flipping. I would love to be able to do that for a living.”

“It’s just a side business for me,” Nate said, “but I do love it. I’ll show you pics of this house before I started after supper.”

“I want to see the new house as well. It sounds like that one is going to be a lot of fun.”

Shelby grinned. “I’m not so sure about fun, but it will be a lot of work.”

“That kind of work is a lot more fun than sitting in an office all day,” Jeff said.

“Oh, I definitely agree,” Nate said. “It’s fun to take a house that’s been mistreated and restore it to its former glory. So many houses out there aren’t properly taken care of, and then someone like me can turn them into a showplace.”

“After pictures, would you mind if we went over to your new house?” Jeff asked. “I want to see what you’re starting with.”

Nate shook his head. “Not at all. This new house is kind of my dream project. I never thought I’d get my hands on something like this.”

“Tricia said you did this house on the weekends while working full time. I want to be able to do that,” Jeff said.

“It’s not that tough to get into,” Nate replied. He finished fixing his taco and moved to the dining room where Tricia and Shelby were already sitting waiting on the men.

When Jeff joined them, he kept asking questions about the house they were buying.

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