Page 39 of Bengal Splice

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“Hear that, babe? No one guessedcreamy.”

His lids pop wide, then his gaze drops below my waist. To punctuate his disapproval, his nostrils flare.

“Gee, this is going to be fun,” I announce as I swish to Ty's side, pull my chair as close to his as I can, then ease into my seat, making certain the side of my breast slides along his side. “Excuse me,” I say, ever so contritely.

“No problem.”

After reminding everyone that we're in teams and they're not to blurt out anything that will help the other side, the game begins in earnest.

Most of the teams' phrases, songs, and movies are fun and innocent, but Jenna and Noble got the drift that charades can be more fun with some dirty innuendo.

Jenna acted out the phrase, “A good man is hard to find.” She even had the gall to use an imaginary baseball bat for the word “hard.” Between watching her pretend to fondle something big and solid and shaped like a penis, and watching Noble's eyes practically pop out of his head like a cartoon character, it was hysterical.

Noble, not to be outdone, chose, “You made your bed now lie in it.” It wasn't just his actions, but the way he was wordlessly propositioning Jenna during the entire thing, that made it almost too intimate to watch. Perhaps it was lucky that all the innuendo went right over Brock's head and he guessed the phrase long before the buzzer sounded.

Ty is remarkably quiet during the game, always demurring when our teammates encourage him to take a turn. The giggles and enthusiasm fade as people's gazes start to linger on the two heaping platters of cupcakes, both sweet and savory, that Jenna and Noble brought.

“Last one, everybody,” I call. “Who hasn't had a turn?” I don't spear Ty with a piercing gaze. He obviously didn't want to play and I don't want to call attention to it. I assume Forrest, the uninhibited foxy guy, will volunteer for another round, but Ty stands and strides to the front.

He tugs his ear to indicate “sounds like,” then fiddles with the bill of an imaginary cap. It doesn't take long for us to go through the alphabet and come up with, “Will!”

Simply by pointing to various people in the room, he makes his point clear and someone calls, “you!”

Then he laughs, showing those long, white fangs that I adore. It's hard to remember how terrifying they were only a few months ago. Now they are one of the things I love most about him.

Ty is one of the happiest males on the planet. His time in captivity was hell. We've talked about it. Whenever I think about what he endured, I want to cry, so I smash that thought into the back of my mind and focus on how he took all those lemons and made lemonade. Even before he met me, he chose to enjoy every breath, every moment in nature, every joke with friends.

And there he is laughing and shaking his sexy ass at the front of the room. People are shouting “happy,” “laughter,” and “dancing,” but he shakes his head.

The buzzer rings, but his face becomes solemn for a moment, indicating he doesn't want to stop. Since I'm in charge, I announce, “Let's finish this one out, shall we?”

Then he smiles and laughs and dances a bit more, all while staring straight at me.

It strikes me. “Merry.” The word is but a whisper as the meaning of his charade sinks in when he points to his heart. Will you merry me. Marry.

He's so tuned into me, he knows the moment I catch the meaning of his phrase.

Striding to me, the smile on his face wider and happier than all the moments he was pretending to be merry, he slips to one knee between my feet.

“Will you marry me?” The expression on his face is so full of love that tears spring to my eyes.

It was only a few months ago I came here to hide from humanity and lick my wounds. Instead, I found more than I ever dreamed of. I found not only my own humanity, but the humanity of these hybrids who are being hidden away because of their animal DNA.

If the truth were to get out, if people knew the treasure we have here in Splicer Town, they truly would be upset, but for a different reason than the military thinks.

Because what we have here is the absolute best of humanity. If people knew how great these males are, they wouldn’t be afraid for a second. They would want what these males have.

“Yes. I will marry you, my love.” Leaning closer, I throw my arms around his neck.

“I know it's too soon.” He looks contrite, as if he needs to apologize for his amazing marriage proposal.

“I just said yes and you're taking it back?”

This startles him into silence, which is good because I have a lot to say.

“I don't need to know you for more days on the calendar, Ty. Because I know your heart.” I press my palm against his chest, over his wildly thumping heart. “I know you're the best male I've ever met. I know you make me smile and laugh and feel cherished. Yes. I will marry you.”

I have no idea how he did it, but Ty pulls a ring out of his pocket. Colonel Slater must have something to do with this, but I try not to get stuck on the logistics.

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