Page 29 of One Big Secret

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Craving fresh air and a change of scenery, I decided to take Ava for a seaside stroll. After tidying her up and adorning her in a sunhat and breezy attire, I secured her into her stroller and embarked on our adventure.

The sun beamed down with fervor as we sauntered along the sidewalk adjacent to the coastline. The ocean's breath playfully ruffled my hair, while the rhythmic melody of waves crashing against the shore created a soothing ambiance. Ava cooed and chattered energetically, her bright eyes absorbing the vivid surroundings.

As we ambled on, I felt the tug to grab my phone and dial my mother for advice and solace. But each time, trepidation and uncertainty held me back. I wasn't ready to unveil my new life to my family just yet. So, I decided to focus on the allure of the present moment. Nevertheless, my gaze was soon hijacked by a pack of cyclists advancing on a nearby bike trail, visible from my peripheral vision.

As they closed in, one rider, a man sporting a baseball cap instead of a helmet, veered off from the group and made a beeline for Ava and me. My heart pounded, and I froze as I took in his ominous, twisted smile. He halted right before Ava's stroller and drawled, "Looks like those chickens hatched after all."

Fear cascaded through me, and I let out a scream. Ava, jarred by the uproar, started to wail. "Get away from us!" I hollered, lunging to scoop Ava up, frantic to protect her from this possible menace. But the man merely cycled away, his laughter taunting us like a sinister lullaby.

My hands quivered as I fumbled for my phone, urgently dialing Mitch's number to alert him that the kidnapper had resurfaced.

The phone rang once, twice, then thrice before Mitch finally answered. "Hey, Amy, what's up?" he inquired, his tone easygoing and oblivious.

"Mitch," I stammered, my voice trembling, "he's back. The kidnapper just materialized out of nowhere and... and he saw Ava."

Mitch's demeanor shifted instantly, concern seeping through. "What? Where are you right now? Are you safe?"

I scanned my surroundings, my heart drumming in my chest. "I think so. We're by the gazebo on the beach, a few blocks from home. He didn't try to snatch her or anything. He just... said, 'looks like those chickens hatched after all,' and then pedaled away."

A brief silence ensued on the other end before Mitch inhaled deeply. "Okay, listen closely. Stay put. Head to the gazebo and stick around people. I'll contact the police and be there as quickly as I can. Don't engage with anyone and keep a watchful eye on Ava."

I nodded, despite him being unable to see me. "Okay, okay. Please hurry!"

"I will. Just remain composed and hold Ava tight. I'll be there soon." The call concluded, leaving me with my pulse racing and my eyes darting around the park, hunting for any indication of peril.

As I cradled Ava against me, the intensity of our situation settled heavily upon me. It felt as though history had resurfaced in a cruel twist of fate—the Rosedale curse now entangled with the life of an innocent baby. Abandoning the stroller on the sidewalk, I shifted Ava onto my hip, making my way to the beachside gazebo. Each second that passed seemed to stretch into eternity as we waited for Mitch and the police to arrive.

My hands trembled relentlessly while I held Ava close, murmuring soothing words to calm her nerves, even as my own were frayed by the confrontation. Finally, the wail of a siren pierced the air, but it was Mitch's Lexus that appeared first. He raced toward us, concern etched deeply in his eyes.

"Are you both okay?" He questioned urgently, hands gripping my shoulders before he scooped Ava into his arms.

I nodded, tears cascading down my cheeks. "Yeah, we're okay. He didn't touch her. But Mitch, what are we going to do?"

Before Mitch could formulate a response, the sirens crescendoed, and police cars accompanied by a sleek, unmarked black SUV screeched to a halt nearby. A cadre of officers and two suit-clad men emerged, striding purposefully toward us. The suited men closed the distance, flashing their badges as they introduced themselves as FBI agents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Detwiler, I'm Agent Johnson, and this is Agent Thompson," the taller agent gestured to his partner. "We've been assigned to your case after receiving the call from the local police and Agent Downing out of the Denver Field Office."

"We have to talk," Agent Thompson said, his voice laced with gravity. "Your family could be in immediate peril. We think relocating you to a secure location, for now, is the best course of action until we catch the person behind this."

I shared an uneasy and bewildered look with Mitch before directing my gaze back at the agents. "A secure location?" I inquired, my voice barely audible.

"Let's clear something up first. I'm Mitch Detwiler. This is Amy Russo, my other half and the caretaker for my daughter, Ava."

Agent Thompson nodded in understanding, "Ah, got it. So, the Denver report makes sense now. You, ma'am, were the victim of a kidnapping in Vail?"

"Yes, that's correct," I stammered, feeling shaky.

"I agree that Amy and Ava should go to the secure location, but I can't accompany them. My current work project is critical, and it could be connected to this larger scheme," Mitch chimed in.

"So, what exactly is a secure location, and how long do we need to stay there?"

Agent Johnson offered me a compassionate glance. "We can't be certain. It might be a few days or more, depending on how fast we neutralize the threat. But you have to come with us immediately!"

Mitch enveloped me in his arms, drawing Ava and me nearer. "Amy, you need to go. I'll do everything within my power to protect our family," he declared, his voice resolute.

His eyes bore into mine, and my heart plummeted as the gravity of our predicament settled in. I struggled to speak, my throat tight. "Alright," I whispered, trembling as I clutched Ava close.

The agents ushered us to the sleek black SUV, helping us into the backseat. Ava began to sob, clinging to me for dear life, her tiny hands grasping at my shirt. Her frantic heartbeat resonated against me. I tried to soothe her, caressing her head and murmuring comforting words.

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