Page 10 of One Big Secret

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"Alvin Lewis is the guy. I'll text you his number."

"Thanks, I owe you," I murmured.

As I hung up, my mind swirled with thoughts of Ava—my daughter. The sun dipped below the horizon, and I stood on the porch, staring into the gathering darkness. The notion of this baby girl being my own flesh and blood seemed preposterous, yet here I was. I rubbed my temples, grappling with the situation. "How in the world am I going to raise a kid?" I muttered, pondering my bachelor lifestyle and the implications for my burgeoning relationship with Amy.

As my boots paced the living room, my mind reeled in a tumult of disbelief and bafflement, my pulse pounding like a demon's drumbeat. A little kid was about to make landfall in my beachside sanctuary, shrinking the space as if by some arcane wizardry. I couldn't shake the feeling that life would never again unfurl in quite the same way, and a chill skittered down my spine like a tiny, icy spider. Desperate to evade the inescapable truth, I sidled up to the window, my gaze locked on the churning surf as its relentless thunder filled my ears. Was there some semblance of peace hidden within those waves?

"Maybe the kid ain't mine," I whispered to no one in particular.

But deep down, in the recesses of my soul, I knew that hope was a phantom, a fleeting wisp of smoke. I flicked open my phone, and there she was—the little girl who'd bewitched my thoughts. Ava. Her face, so like my own, flared in my mind, a stubborn flame that refused to be extinguished. There was no running from the truth now. Sure, the lawyer would demand a paternity test, but I had no doubts.

"Got to make this place fit for a kid," I grumbled, surveying my bachelor pad. Was living so close to the ocean a danger? Or perhaps the neighborhood was the problem? I couldn't recall ever spotting children roaming these streets. Mostly, the area played host to unattached souls and sun-seeking retirees who'd migrated to soak up the California golden rays. But there was more to mull over. "Need to find someone to help with the little one, too," I conceded, feeling the weight of responsibility settling on my shoulders like a suit of armor.

With a heavy heart, I sank onto my porch swing and dialed Alvin Lewis' law office, expecting to leave a message. To my surprise, he picked up. "Lewis speaking!"

"Uh, hey, Mr. Lewis," I began with a sigh, steeling myself to plunge into the turbulent waters of my newfound situation. "I'm calling because... Well, it seems I'm a dad now." I inhaled deeply and added, "And I need your help."

As I explained the case was in Colorado, he waved me off with a tired, "I'm afraid that's not something I can help you with. You need a Colorado attorney for that."

As we spoke, my phone hummed with an incoming call. Temporarily shunting aside my trepidation, I glanced at the screen and found Amy's name staring back at me. A voicemail from her followed, and for the first time since we'd parted ways hours ago, a smile broke free. This serendipitous moment demanded attention, so I dialed her back, eager to hear what she had to say.

Amy's voice sparkled with enthusiasm as she burst forth, "Mitch... My folks just hopped a flight back to Colorado to handle some stuff. I've got some thrilling news I can't wait to share with you!"

A wry chuckle escaped me at the lilting sound of her voice, and I inquired, "What news would that be?" My spirits soared effortlessly at her words.

"I'm beyond thrilled to join the Rosedale crew, and there's no one else I'd rather share my excitement with than you! You were the first person who came to mind. Can we celebrate me landing a job together tonight?"

Bewildered by the rapid twist of fate, I posed the question, "Are you hungry?"

"You know I'm always ready to eat!" Amy chortled.

"I'll arrange for takeout. Why not swing by? It's been a grueling day, and I could use a friend to confide in. I mean, I apologize. I know you mentioned celebrating, but truth be told, I'm not in the mood for much festivity tonight."

"No problem. Sounds splendid. I'm ravenous!"

As I swung the door open, an incandescent Amy greeted me, adorned in a cute yellow dress that clung to her curves and showcased more of her décolletage than usual. Her dazzling smile electrified the air as she peered up at me with rivulets of silken ebony tendrils cascading over her shoulders. The sight of Amy instantly banished my apprehensions, leaving only exhilaration in their wake.

"You're a vision, Amy," I breathed in awe, holding the door ajar for her. I strained not to let my gaze linger on her voluptuous bosom.

"Many thanks, Mitch," she beamed, her eyes gleaming with impish delight. "I thought I'd spring a little surprise on you."

Her gaze roved over my torso, pausing to appreciate the way my snug t-shirt clung to me and the low-slung fit of my surfer shorts on my hips.

"So, do tell. What's going on with you?" Amy inquired with a furrowed brow as I motioned towards the sofa.

Dodging the question, I faltered, trying to puzzle out how to break my news. "Let's dig in..."

"Ah, sure... sounds delicious."

As we nestled on the couch, I unpacked the meal Uber Eats had dropped off. The enticing scent wafted through the room, causing my mouth to water. I stole a glance at Amy, who pried open a container of fried rice.

"Chinese cuisine has my heart," she confessed, a hint of playfulness lacing her tone. "I could devour dumplings by the pound!"

As we relished the mouthwatering fare, I found myself charmed by Amy's fervor for her newfound role at Rosedale Technologies. In the midst of hearty bites and animated conversation, I abruptly rose to steep some green tea. The unforeseen motion took Amy aback, her eyes widening in astonishment.

"Green tea, Mitch? I must say, I didn't peg you as someone who was into green tea," she teased with a roguish grin.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, I tenderly ferried the steaming pot and fragile teacups to the table. "Cooking is a passion of mine, which means I dabble in concocting all sorts of beverages," I declared, filling each cup with fragrant tea.

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