Page 41 of Power Play

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Zach looked utterly dumbfoundedat my words, which made pressing a palm to his chest to push him onto the couch even easier.

I didn’t know what I was doing. This was either going to be a complete disaster, or one of the hottest things I had ever done in my entire life.

I moved, pushing the thoughts aside, and crawled onto his lap. A wild hunger blazed in my belly, and I brought my mouth to Zach’s. His hand lifted only to press against the side of my face gently. I fisted his shirt, hoping my kiss was good enough. HopingIwas enough.

Zach’s tongue pressed gently against my lower lip, and I opened my mouth to his. He tasted like chocolate—obviously, Jessa—and he was gentle. Everything about Zach was gentle: the way he treated me, the way he kissed, and the way he tilted my head to kiss me a little harder.

He pulled back, licking his lips to savor the taste of me, and slowly opened his eyes.

“So… you brought two desserts?” He breathed a chuckle, a grin returning to his reddened lips.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, feeling all too aware of how dumb that entire interaction was.

I slid off of his lap, embarrassed, and wanted to bury my face in my hands.

“You never have to apologize to me. Definitely not for that.” Zach cleared his throat.

I glanced down to see him push at his dark jeans at his thighs. There was a firm impression against the zipper of his jeans that made me feel a prickly warmth all over.

Zach rested his head against the back of the couch, wearing a lazy grin as he watched me in a way that should have had me squirming. But it didn’t. Instead, I mirrored his posture and took in the details of his face. The way one stray curl clung to his forehead, how his eyes were so blue, they looked like marbles, and the way he kept pulling his lips in to taste our kiss.

As we sat in a comfortable silence, neither of us watching the movie, simply gazing at one another, I knew without a doubt that I liked Zach. It was more than simply enjoying his company, and I was certainly enjoying his company. It was a tiny flourish in my tightly guarded heart that made me feel safe with him. Safe…and like he would worship me in a way that was untamed, all wrapped into one hockey player.

I could tell in the way Zach had kissed me that even though he was soft on the inside, gentle in the beginning, once he knew I was comfortable, he would show me an entirely different side of him. A side that had me curious and turning to putty at the thought of him undoing me entirely.

“What are you thinking about?” Zach questioned.

I knew by the way he grinned that I was turning red.

“Jessa,” he teased and raised a brow. “Are you thinking naughty thoughts?”

“Oh, myGod.” I groaned and covered my face with my hands. “I am not,” I mumbled into my palms, even though it was a lie.

“Then why do you look so embarrassed?”

“Zach,” I whined, and thrust my hand blindly, hoping I’d connect with his shoulder or chest or something, but he snatched my hand with a speed that made me peek over at him.

“I like it when you say my name that way.”

He shifted his grip until he held my hand wrist-up, and he brought his mouth down, but didn't press his lips to my skin. Zach ran his lower lip back and forth across my inner wrist, his gaze locked with mine.

I forgot how to breathe. Entirely forgotten. Breathing, speaking, even blinking—gone.An untapped arousal ignited deep in my belly, making it uncomfortable to sit still. I wanted him to do more than kiss me, but I couldn’t justsaythat.

So I stayed quiet. Kept those nasty thoughts locked in my mind as Zach finally pressed his lips to my skin and I was able to breathe again. When he grabbed me and drew me back for another kiss, he was rougher, and I freaking loved it.

Zach yanked me onto his lap, pushing at my skirt until it gathered around my waist at my belly button. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything that wasn’thim.

“Wait,” Zach whispered.

He turned his face slightly, making me frown.

“No, no,” he said quickly, cupping my face with both hands and forcing me to look at him. “I don’t want to stop. Believe me, Jessa, I don’t want to stop. I’m not fucking you for the first time on the couch. You deserve more than that.”

I shook my head, shifting until I felt him—all of him—exactly where I wanted it. “Let me be the judge of what I deserve.”

He let me kiss him again because he wasn’t going to deny me of his mouth. He groaned and palmed my nearly exposed ass, drawing me even closer. The frame of the couch bit into my knee; the other was slipping into the crack between the cushions, and the weight of Zach’s erection was pressed firmly against me.

“God,” Zach hissed, and once again turned his head, but this time pressed warm kisses along my jaw and collarbone. “I want you so bad, Jessa. You’re driving me wild... But I need to worship you, in every sense that I can. Not just the first time...buteverytime I fuck you.”

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