Page 74 of Dark & Beastly Fae

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I never should’ve accepted that ale.

I never should’ve let myself start to care about the damn fae king.

What was I supposed to do now?

“Are you alright?”Bright asked me, sounding somewhere between amused and concerned.

At least one of us was enjoying the night.

“Fantastic,”I lied.

She chuffed.

“Where are you, Nissa?”Kierden’s voice echoed in my mind, low, growly, and making me shiver all over again.

I ignored him.

He wasn’t getting a single damn answer from me.

Eventually, he’d follow my scent trail and find me.

Still, the longer it took him, the longer I’d have to try to gather my loose, ale-drowned wits.

I forced myself to remember why I’d moved out of his room.

He’d promised to mate with some random fae woman.

He hadn’t considered even asking me if I’d be willing to just seal our bond instead.

He’d lied to me about wanting me—he only wanted sex.

Even if Bright didn’t think that last part was true, I still felt like it was. Why else would he be so damn certain that he had to choose a fae female? Why else would he have told his people that he’d be in some other woman’s bed as soon as the eclipse removed our connection?

My mind was moving too fast, spinning too quickly.

The room was moving a little, too.

Why did I think the ale was a good idea?

“Tell me where you are, or I’ll have no choice but to start hunting you, little human,”Kierden purred into my mind.

I shuddered yet again.

The mental bond was only getting more intimate, not less.

And what in the veil was I going to do about that?

“He’s looking for you,”Bright said, her voice almost… pleased.

“How do I stop him?”I asked her.

She chuffed.“I don’t think you do.”

I was in trouble.

Deep, deep trouble.

“Last chance,”Kierden said into my mind.
