Page 5 of Ruthless Rage

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Fucking men. FuckingReapermen. None of them are worth a dime, not even Denz or Froggo. I’ve seen how theyactuallytreat the whores around here, and it’s not worth living for. To be beaten and discarded like a used rag is not my vision or dream. It’s far from it. Especially after I’ve watched them trade whores at this clubhouse for as long as I can remember.

I step inside with a gray cloud looming over my head. Despite the spring in my step moments earlier, a reminder of who I am and where I come from quickly brings me back down to earth.

“Get it done, boys. Get. It. Done.” Prez’s voice booms from the other end of the bar area, giving me hope that I may be able to tiptoe around the room without being noticed, but I barely make it two steps past the doorframe when he spots me instantly. “Finally. Where are my fucking funds?”

His upper lip curls as he looks at me over the rim of his glass, downing the remainder of the whiskey in there, before pouring another. Yes. A drunken fucking fool is exactly what the Ice Reapers need to lead them to greatness.

It’s embarrassing.Reallyfucking embarrassing.

“Bubba, can you at least let me shower first? Have you seen me?” I run my hands down my sides, bringing his attention to the dirt marks covering my clothes as I continue toward the door leading to the bedrooms, but he doesn’t seem so forgiving.

The glass shatters into pieces when he slams it down and then charges toward me. Club members are seated around the bar, but I keep my gaze on him.

He doesn’t slow his approach until we’re standing toe to toe and he’s practically spitting in my face. “You may have been my brother’s fucking offspring, bitch, but you’re a whore’s bastard at best,” he grunts, using his usual verbal attack, but it doesn’t even graze the surface. I have far thicker skin than he realizes. “You would do well to remember your place,” he adds for good measure, and it takes a lot of effort to stop myself from yawning.

“I didn’t realize asking to take a shower went against one of the club rules, Bubba. But I haven’t had confirmation come through for the transaction yet,” I lie, keeping my body relaxed and calm as he bares his teeth at me.

I’m sure in his mind he thinks he looks like an alpha lion marking his territory out in the wild, but he’s struggling to look any better than a stray fucking cat.

“Get out of my fucking face, bitch, before I do something I reallywon’tregret.”

I force myself to take a step back, not commenting on the fact that it was actuallyhewho entered my space. A reaction is likely what he wants, and I’m not giving it to him. I have to choose my battles if I ever want to leave this godforsaken place, and this moment isn’t the time for my anger to explode.

I may be able to handle myself, but he still puts a roof over my head and food on the table.

Relieved, I step into my bedroom at the end of the hall with a sigh. I lean back against the wood, making sure to turn the lock on the door as I try to calm my heart rate down.

This isn’t my forever, I fucking refuse to let it be this way.

I may have spent every day of my life in this prison, trapped in a compound with a club I want nothing to do with, but the end is near. I can feel it. I can taste it.

I’ve been skimming off the top of my jobs for a while now, trying to build up enough cash to secure my future. It will be the dream—me, my Harley, and the open road. Shit, if I can skim enough this time, I could be set.

That just leaves the escape plan I’ve been thinking about for the longest time. I need to make sure I can get my hands on my bike, otherwise it won’t be worth it.

But the sooner, the better, and I’ll be fucking out of here, free of the chains that pin me down.



Horrorat the scene that unfolded in front of the women and children causes an uproar among every member here.

“Get everyone inside.”

The prospects hovering beside me nod before rushing to the women and children who are frozen in place as they stare at the lifeless body in the middle of the crowd.

Prez is dead.

As everyone moves around us, calling out to draw our weapons and take shelter from any further attacks, Ryker, Axel, Gray, and I remain in place. Our gaze is rooted at Ryker, who hasn’t taken his eyes off Prez’s body since it dropped.

I know what’s going through his mind, and it isn’t pain or compassion over a life lost. Far from it. The tightening of his jaw, the clenching of his hands, and the widening of his eyes, is pure frustration that he’s dead, and he didn’t get the vengeance he’s been chasing for the past twelve months.

“We need to move,” Gray murmurs, reaching for the gun at his waist. “If there’s another shot coming in, we don’t want to be the target.”

As if hearing his concern, a gurgling sound echoes around us moments later, and I turn, only to find Billy flat on his back. His hands engulf his throat as he struggles to breathe for a moment, before the life seeps from his body. Blood drapes over his fingers, bathing his neck and cut in the same crimson color.

“Everybody move,” my father hollers, kicking me into action. His concerned eyes find mine as he points in the direction of the clubhouse, but he must be a fool if he thinks I’m going anywhere without him.
