Page 55 of Redemption

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A sharp pain tugs at my chest, not because of who he was to me, but the fact that he had this impact on so many people. Someone should have ended him before it came down to me. Shit, before I even existed.

When I don’t say anything in response, my eyes downcast as I track my hands floating in the water, I sense Valentina stepping into the jacuzzi and taking a seat beside me. “Why do you ask?”

Her question is so soft, I almost don’t hear it, but I turn to her with a tender smile and a hint of sadness I know is visible in my eyes. “To see if you were worthy of knowing why I was here.”

“Which is…”

Before I can think anymore of it, I release a deep breath. “Because Totem was my father, and I killed him.”

Silence falls over us as she gapes at me in surprise, her eyes wide for what feels like an eternity before she claps her hands together.

“Holy fucking shit. IknewI liked you. I knew it. Now I’m definitely glad that I’ve arranged for some steak sandwiches to be delivered because you deserve it, girl. You deserve whatever slice of peace life can offer you, and I’m all for it.”



Ilean back in my leather seat, surrounded by my brothers and our men in the separate building on-site at our home, completely at the end of my tether with the bullshit we’re dealing with. The Russians haven’t made any other moves, and we can’t seem to pinpoint what the next may be, which only pisses me off further.

My fingers flex in my lap as Enzo leads the discussion on the nightclub incident and the collateral damage as a result of the attack. Looking up, I meet my brother’s gaze. “How is Torres’s family?”

The room remains quiet as everyone waits solemnly for a response, and my brother shakes his head gently. “As best as they can be.” His pain is evident as he hangs his head for a brief moment, before he looks around the room again. “His funeral is being held in two days' time,” he adds, sending a wave of murmurs around the room.

Everything becomes more real when the funeral is confirmed. We’re going to spend the next forty-eight hours wishing it was over with, while simultaneously praying for it to never come.

It’s a finality to the anguish we’re all feeling at the loss of our most trusted man and friend.

“Make whatever arrangements are necessary,” I state, nodding at my brother who offers a tight smile in return.

It’s something none of us wish to be dealing with, but the reality of life is so fickle, so delicate, that it has a crazy way of sweeping the rug from under us.

The sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts the silent communication between Enzo and I, drawing both of our gazes, along with Vito’s, to Gio, one of our newer recruits.

He glances around the room, searching between each of my brothers as well as the men beside him before he speaks. “Has anyone seen or heard from Teto? He sent me a text message earlier, asking for my help with something, but I haven’t had any contact with him since.”

I can tell by the furrow between Gio’s brows that he really is curious and concerned, but he’s about to be caught up to speed with everyone else here. My fists tighten and my spine stiffens as I try to keep my anger at bay, but it’s Vito who takes the lead by responding first.

“No one will be seeing or hearing from him because thatputanais dead.” There’s a pin-drop silence as widened eyes and raised brows stare in our direction, hoping for more of an explanation. “We have rules and orders and he didn’t follow them,” Vito continues, his gruff voice getting darker and edgier with every word. “This is the De Luca family business, not theevery man for himselfbrigade.” His nostrils flare as his hands clench at his sides, making the whites of his scars shine brighter.

I know he’s as angry as I am. Once Wren left with Valentina and Nonna, the three of us rushed to search the surveillance cameras we have set up in the gym. We watched everything unfold, watched every move he made, and listened to every word he uttered. He’s fucking lucky he only had Wren’s wrath to deal with and not ours as well.

“Does anybody else have an objection to that?” I interject, meeting the eyes of every single one of the men at the table, one at a time, until I’ve gone full circle.

“No, sir,” Gio finally verbalizes, nodding sharply as he falls in line.

We need to find a replacement for Torres, someone who can handle this shit going forward so we don’t have to. Could it be Gio? I’m not sure, there’s something holding me back, but realistically, I know I won’t get the answers I want right now. My mind isn’t here. I need to take a step back to refocus.

“Go.” Nobody misses a beat as they rise from their seats and exit the building. I feel my cell phone vibrating in my pocket just before the last two men leave through the door, but I don’t take it out until it’s only myself, Vito, and Enzo remaining.

“Have you heard anything from the women yet? I want eyes on Wren,” Enzo mutters under his breath as he takes a sip of water, adjusting his position in his seat as he looks from Vito to me, and we shake our heads.

Pulling my cell phone from my pocket, I hope to see one of their names, but to my surprise, it’s a private number, and I know who it belongs to immediately. It’s been calling incessantly, and I’ve never considered answering until now, until today.

Pressing the green button, I hit the speakerphone button so my brothers can listen. “You’re being quite persistent, Mrs. Steele.”

Enzo’s eyes widen as Vito leans back in his chair, loosening his tie as he glares at the phone.

“And you’ve been avoiding me.” Her voice sounds surprised that I’ve answered this time, but I can’t deny that I’m just as caught off guard with the move too.
