Page 47 of Redemption

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“Maybe jetting off to America is a good idea. It will help cool you off, Enzo.” Those words come from Matteo, forcing me to lean back and glance into Enzo’s deep eyes as he scoffs at his brother.

“You’re going to the US?” Enzo nods, his hand frozen at the hem of my shorts as he looks at me inquisitively. “I think you’re making a mistake with that.” The truth falls from my lips whether I like it or not, and his nose crinkles in a mixture of confusion and hesitation.

“Then it’s a good thingyouropinion doesn’t matter,” Matteo replies, his tone firm, leaving no room for argument, so I don’t bother. Until Enzo grabs me by the waist and places my ass on the table, moving effortlessly between my thighs as he cups my chin and tilts my head back.


His eyes are laser-focused, waiting for an answer as he works his jaw. Wetting my lips, I take a split second to consider my choice of words. Fuck it, if he wants thewhy, he’s going to get it.

“The Russians are making all these moves while continuing to ruffle the feathers of the Ring at Featherstone. They’re playing bigger games here, games you need to understand before you can respond properly. They literally swept into Italy and killed some of your men, onyourproperty yesterday. I think going to the States is too dangerous because all it does is expose you.”

My chest rises and falls with every breath I take. I can sense Enzo is about to speak when a knock sounds from behind him. “Boss, you’re all set.”


I know that sleazy motherfucker's voice without needing to see his face now. Asshole.

The sound of chairs dragging over the floor draws my attention to the right as Enzo’s grip on my chin slacks. Both Matteo and Vito are standing, eyeing each other, speaking without using words as Matteo shakes off his blazer.

“Thank you, Teto. We’ll be out in a minute.” Matteo doesn’t even bother to turn and look at him, but that doesn’t stop Teto from pushing for more.

“Sir, if you don’t mind me confirming, I just wanted to be sure that you didn’t want me to join you. Especially with Torres being—”

“Fuck off, Teto.” The words are spat from Enzo’s mouth, his teeth grinding together as the muscles in his neck bunch.

“We’re sure,” Matteo adds in a calmer voice when Teto clearly doesn’t seem to get the message, and I shake my head in disbelief at his audacity. If anyone faltered at my father’s word like that, they wouldn’t have made it to the door. He’s lucky this family business is run better than his was.

Tension radiates off Enzo, and I have a feeling it links back to the mention of Torres. Before I can decide against it, I lift my hands, cupping Enzo’s cheeks. It’s only when his eyes are set on mine that I speak.

“Think about what I said.”

He blinks down at me for a moment, before offering a subtle nod and leaning down to press the softest of kisses to the corner of my lips.

Without a word in response, he turns on his heel and heads for the door, hands clenched at his sides as he storms from the room. Matteo glares at me, while Vito looks just as confused by me as ever, but neither of them speak. Instead, they follow their brother, leaving me alone in a kitchen that isn’t mine, with worries and fears for men that aren’t mine either.

If I knew offering Luna redemption would get me so tangled up in them, I would’ve taken a pass. They’re playing with my emotions, emotions I didn’t know I had, and I’m far too scared to be left so vulnerable by them.




Motherfucking men and their motherfucking need to take charge of shit.

I thought the De Luca brothers were different, but they’re not. I understand I’m not here because of my abilities and skills. However, my fuck up doesn’t change the fact that they’re setting themselves up for failure by charging into New York right now. I know it, but apparently, that doesn’t matter.

What matters istheyare the De Lucas, and this is their family business that they’re running, so whatever they say, goes.


My breath comes in short, sharp bursts as my feet pound on the treadmill. Sweat has my tank top clinging to me like a second skin, but it doesn’t stop me from continuing to push.

My muscles scream from the strain, but the longer I’m in here sweating my ass off, the more time I’m actually avoiding rinsing it all away in the shower and letting my thoughts consume me.

I started the morning worried about what would happen when I ran into Enzo. For the first time in my life, I didn’t want to be discarded or feel rejected by him. Instead, I got the complete opposite and that has left my head spinning even more.

Sweeping a loose tendril of hair back off my face, I grunt, forcing myself to focus on my actions. It doesn’t help that Nonna still hasn’t come home, or if she has, she hasn’t made her presence known. Which sounds like the least Nonna thing to do in existence.
