Page 14 of Redemption

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He’s unpredictable, unintentionally hot as fuck, and a force to be reckoned with.

My thighs clench, excitement and anticipation getting the better of me as I try to catch my breath, but I’m rendered powerless the second I feel the tip of his cock at my entrance, lost to the man with the deep brown eyes, scarred skin, and intoxicating aura.

He pauses, holding his position as the moisture pools between my legs.

The silence between us is deafening, and I can’t take it any longer. “Take me,” I plead, my voice barely more than a whisper. In a flash, he thrusts his cock deep into my pussy.

A groan bursts from my lips, his thick cock stretching my core beyond words as my mouth widens and I try to fucking breathe. My head falls back against the door, the pain not registering as he refuses to give me a second to adjust to his size, continuing to thrust into me with calculated strokes. Both of his hands grip each of my thighs, giving him better leverage as ecstasy ricochets through my body.

“Oh, God,” I groan, fingertips digging into his muscled arms as I hang on for dear life.

“So fucking hot,Bellissima,” he grunts, his jaw slack when I peer through my lashes at him. “So fucking sweet,” he adds, before leaning forward and capturing my nipples in his mouth.

The painful bite of his teeth makes me cry out, my hips bucking to meet him as my nails dig deeper into the shirt covering his arms.

It’s too much and not enough all at once.

His teeth nip, scrape, and bite every inch of my breasts, from the swell to the dip between them and the taut nipples begging for his attention. His thrusts are strong, hard, and unrelenting. I know this man has never been asked to go harder or faster in his life. He knows what he’s doing, and he’s playing my body perfectly.

Every nerve ending in my body is alight, tingling with pleasure as he slams into me again and again, the door behind me pounding with every plunge.

Any other time, and with anyone else, I would complain that I’m mostly naked while they remain fully clothed, but I know it’s different with him, and it screams power—a turn-on I’m learning I like from the De Luca brothers. A lot.

“Come on my cock,Bellissima,” he grinds out, his jaw tightening as he lifts from my breast for the briefest of moments, before he sinks his teeth into my nipple, erupting the climax that’s been burning at the base of my spine since he lifted me into the air.

I shatter into a million pieces around him, my cries melting into sobs as ecstasy courses through my veins. His movements become jagged, stuttered, before he lets out a deep growl from the pit of his stomach, his mouth releasing my nipple to capture my lips as he comes.

Sweat clings to every inch of me, loose tendrils of hair sticking to my face as I descend from the biggest high of my life. It takes an eternity to relax my hold on his arms, but when I do, he pulls me away from the door, his still-hard cock nestled between my legs as he moves me to my bed, laying me down at the edge.

The glint in his eyes tells me he’s not done. That was just round one, and I have no idea if I can survive another, but I’m willing to give it a try.

In a complete daze, I look up at him, arms at my sides as I continue to worry about touching him. That’s when his cell rings, the sound coming from his pants pocket. He bites out a curse, instantly searching for the device and bringing it to his ear while his cock remains inside of me.

“What?” he grunts, reaching his other hand forward to stroke his fingertips over my red breasts, clearly admiring his handiwork as his touch soothes the sore skin. “Fuck yeah, no, I agree. Yeah, take her with us, it’ll be safer, the employees here are happy to give out a guest’s details,” he rambles off, my brain still too fogged by my orgasm to fully process what’s happening before he puts the phone down.

“What’s going on?” I manage to ask, swiping my hair back off my face and groaning in protest when he pulls his dick from my core.

“My brothers are here.”



The second Vito drops his phone onto the bed, his demeanor completely changes. The conversation has flipped a switch inside of him, one I’m far too familiar with seeing, feeling, and I know there’s an issue. An issue he seems to think may affect me in some way.

Wetting my dry lips, my body still coming down from the earth-shattering orgasm, I push up off the bed. My hair is messy and my bra is still on with my breasts spilling out of the material. All while Vito’s cum trails down my thighs.


Ignoring that, I turn to the man pacing the floor before me, scrubbing his hand over his cropped hair. His pants are already fastened, his shirt revealing no marks or damage from my grip earlier, and it’s almost like it didn’t happen.

“What’s going on?” I ask, tucking my hair behind my ear as I stare at him expectantly. Surprisingly, I seem to pull him from wherever he is because he turns to face me immediately.

“Get dressed. They’ll be here in a moment and we have to leave.” He nods along with what he’s saying but doesn’t elaborate further.

Hmm. I don’t think so.

“Leave for where and why?” I push, folding my arms over my chest like I’m not standing here with my body on display and the remnants of what we just did dripping down my legs.
