Page 8 of Angel Shot

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He’d known Ellie for less than an hour and she was already under his skin. Which was nuts.

When Zak strode back in, grinning like a preening peacock, something inside of Colt’s chest tightened. He loved his brother. Loved him with every fiber of his being. Yet, if Zak went after Ellie…if he dared to touch her…Colt feared he would lose his mind.

She belonged to him.

Wait. She was a stranger. She didn’t know him. He didn’t know her. And he sure as hell didn’t own Ellie McMahon.

As Zak got closer, Colt had to tamp down the urge to shove his brother up against the wall and threaten him within an inch of his life, to stay away from Ellie.

“Lighten up, bro.” Zak snickered.

“What?” Colt snapped.

“She’s not my type.”

“And she’s mine?” Colt rolled his eyes, the coiled tension in his muscles releasing.

“She’s more than your type.” Zak clapped him on the back. “She was made for you.”

“Did you hit your head or something? Since when do you know what type of woman is for me?”

“Umm, let’s see.” Zak tapped his chin in thought. “I think it goes back to when we were kids and I found your stash of porn. All the dog-eared pages were curvy blondes with innocent faces.”

“Oh, really?” Colt folded his arms across his chest. There was no way Zak had found the pornographic collection he had amassed when he was thirteen. He had secured his top-secret cache in a locked box underneath the floor boards in the attic.

“Third floorboard attic floor.” Zak beamed. Then he held out his hand. “Give me your phone.”

Colt handed over his phone, gobsmacked that his secret stash had never been a secret at all.

“Here.” Zak gave back his cell. “I programmed in her number. You should call her.”

“Why would I do that?” Colt tucked his phone into his pocket, trying not to break out into a huge smile, now that he had Ellie’s number.

“Two reasons. One, you like her. Two, she’s in trouble.”

Colt chose to ignore the first part. “What do you mean she’s in trouble? What did she say? Please tell me she didn’t tell you she dated one of those idiots.”

“She denies knowing them. However, her pupils dilated and she looked away from the picture. Twice. “

“What are you thinking?” Colt’s heart did a few gallops.

“I’m not sure how she’s connected to a biker gang. What worries me is, why are they here? Graceport, Maine is a long way from New Jersey. If they drove all the way up here to torment her, they either want something she has or they want her.”

The last set of words had Colt’s heart screeching to a halt. “So, what do we do?”

“There’s nothing wecando, brother. If she refuses to tell us what’s happening, or what she needs, we have to wait.”

“Wait? For what? For her to be kidnapped or hurt?”

“Wow. You’ve got it bad, bro. We wait for her to open up and trust us. Once she does that, then we can help her. Until then, there isn’t anything we can do.”

Zak’s hands might be tied as an officer of the law, but Colt’s weren’t. Now that he knew his gut instinct had been dead on and Ellie was lying about knowing the bikers, he was going to get the truth out of Ellie McMahon.

One way.

Or another.


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