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I turned the purple stone over in my hands, Freyja must have dropped it during their escape, and I squeezed it as I whispered Lilith’s name into the fire.

“Where will we go now?” Melody’s small voice cuts through my silent prayer.

I didn’t want to stay here; I wanted to disappear somewhere far away. A place where I am unknown; a place where I could easily take back my power.

I knew Dante was dead, and I knew this because he was behind the death of her daughter. Lilith was the last to know, but somehow, I knew that she had sealed his fate, as he had for her.

All those years that he watched her family, every detail he relayed was etched into my mind.

There was another girl, another descendant of Lilith, one who had no thoughts of the monster that lurked inside these woods.

“America. We will sail once Charles is strong enough.”



Charity placed her fingers through mine, and in the firelight, she looked like a dream. I stroked her curved belly with my fingertips, as if to make sure she was really here, really mine.

Garm had waited for us, just past the tree line that circled the castle. Dante had been up to his own dark magic, warding the castle so no one could get in—or out. My grimoire was gone, but I knew many of the spells by heart, and I would simply recreate the book that took me so many years to compile.

His ward was not strong enough to keep us trapped within.


“Are we safe? From him, fromthem?”

I laughed low, knowing that they could never have reached me without Charles. My wards were far too strong.

“We are safe, even if they survived the fire. Oh, my pet, my love,” I whispered in her ear, stroking down her naked belly, finding the warm apex between her thighs.

It seemed like only yesterday that we laid beside this very fireplace, only Charles was also there.

“Do you miss him?”

I was a little scared that she would not answer me honestly, but if she truly loved him, she wouldn’t have left with me.

“I missedyou.The entire time I was inside that castle, you were all I could think about. His touch became intolerable, and I dreamed of you almost every night,” she said as she kissed my fingertips, and I smiled, relieved.

“And now we have this…my pet,” she turned an amethyst stone that glittered in the crook of her palm.

“What do you think it is?”

Her eyes twinkled, “Lilith…and all her power. I called her back to me, let me show you just how happy this makes me.”

Charity stopped, taking my hand. “I’m sorry…if me being with him hurt you. I think I was just scared, and he felt…safe.”

I stroked her hand with my thumb and smiled. “No need for apologies, you are safe within my wards, safe here forever.”

I kissed down her belly, and she sighed, eye fluttering shut as she laid down on her back.

Her skin smelled of fresh lavender and soap from our bath. I sat back on my heels, grabbing a small basket from next to the hearth. I had carefully prepared for this moment yesterday after we had returned, caked with dirt and sweat.

Garm was out on a hunt, our meat stores very low from our time away. I had been right, he didn’t stop searching for us until he picked up the scent again, tirelessly searching the woods with his clan. He had returned to them, seeking help, and they happily agreed. I think he may have even found a new mate after all these years.

I pulled out a silk sash from the basket and motioned for her to sit. She did as I asked, like always, and my chest felt full of love for my little slice of heaven.

I wrapped the silk around her eyes, tying it just tight enough so that she could not see. Gods, she looked so compliant, beautiful, with the red sash covering her eyes, the ends flowing down the middle of her naked back. First, I grabbed a strawberry, bringing it to her lips, gently, she received the sweet fruit and chewed. Dipping my fingertips into a glass jar filled with honey, I scoop it up with middle and index finger, bringing them to her mouth, “Open, and suck.”
