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It did not take me long to find the large room that contained every medicinal herb and tincture available to a wealthy family. I had my suspicions, but with a vampire hidden beneath the guise of a holy man—I wasn’t sure if that kind of magic was allowed.

The room would normally be located near the food stores, on the ground floor for easy access, so I immediately fled the winding staircase behind the servants’ quarters.

Sure enough, a large set of double doors, directly next to the entrance of the cathedral, held everything that I needed.

Jars of herbs lined the walls inside tall bookcases, and empty tincture bottles lined the countertop at the back of the room.

Larger jars of animal skulls and carcasses were tucked away in cupboards beneath them, and I smiled to myself.

The hypocrites were practicing the exact same rituals and spells that they were damning women to hell for. My skin crawled at the thought, but I pushed it away, remembering I was held captive here and needed Lilith now.

I knew that Garm would have followed my scent for miles, but I was not sure if he would be able to sneak inside the castle walls. If I could summon Lilith, Charity and I could escape…but just how far we would make it without Garm’s help I wasn’t sure. Most of this plan heavily depended on him waiting for us within the woods.

I found the fire still filled with ash, and gathered it into my hands, wiping the sigil of Lilith on my forehead. I closed my eyes, speaking to her with intent and alarm, hoping she would hear my pleas. My clothes were ripped, and my fingernails caked with dirt, and I fantasize of my hot springs and the feeling of Charity heavy breasts beside me.

Making a circle with the ash in the middle of the room, I then gathered the materials I would need: black candles, salt, bay leaves, and wine. I grabbed a pointed knife to cut my own skin with, and lastly, the carcass of a freshly killed snake.

I pinned the bay leaves to the snakes’ eyes, placing it in the middle of the circle. I sliced both of my palms, getting on my knees and sprinkling salt around me. The knife clanked to the ground, and I cursed at the noise. The cup of red wine was set beside the snake, and I closed my eyes as I recited my prayer to her:

Oh, Dark Mother, it is you I seek, I call upon you and your powers.

Lilith, queen of snakes, and bringer of curses,

I need you now.

Weak men cower in your presence, and I kneel before you now.

I call upon thee, your power times three,

It beckons you, inside these ancient walls of thee.

I hummed after, keeping my eyes closed, and that’s when her voice returned to me.

I am here.

The jolt of her words knocked the breath from me, and my eyes sprung open as I was knocked back.

The candles were all extinguished at once, and my breathing picked up as I surveyed the darkened room.

At first, it was only movement, but the movement comes from the floor—the snake was alive and slithering towards the door.

I needed to find Charity fast.


Before I found them…I heard them. Charity’s soft moans and cries of pleasure. The door was ajar, and I stood in the frame, watching the three in shock.

It was as if our short time together was reflected back to me, but in a nightmarish way.

Domenico instructed Charles how to fuck Charity properly, and as I stepped into the room, I see two small snakes slither from under the bed.

Charles sees me first, bent over Charity’s behind, and when he stopped, she looked up.

We locked eyes, and hers light up. I couldn’t help but smile, relievief and happiness washing over me all at once. It was hard not to run to her, to gather her into my arms and whisper into her hair how I would never let another touch her again.

Domenico was on me in a second, his movements sharp and calculated. His hand was around my throat, and I clawed at it, a gurgling sound coming from my lips.
