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I licked the blood from her skin, a heady mixture of fear and lust intertwined. “Take me…take me now…”

My cock had never been harder, steel against her thigh, as I found her center. She straddled my hips, and I dug my fingers into hers, piercing her on my length. I pushed home until I was fully sheathed, Lilith shouting my name, completely at my mercy. I wanted more, I wanted forever, I wanted to be greedy with her body night after night. I made a silent vow to keep her, no matter what it took.

“Ride me, my love. Make me come so hard that I forget where we are.”

She rolled her hips slowly at first, but the need inside her outweighed any calculation in her movements. She bucked fast, pulling at my hair, forcing my head back. My mouth opened, eyes wide so I could watch her take what she needed. Her hair was matted, sticky with red, drops of blood raining down over us in small trickles now. She licked at the corner of her mouth, running her finger over one of my fangs.

“My love.”

“For eternity.”


She had been distant with me since the night of the bloody chandelier. I knew she was curious and restless, but I did keep trying to win her heart each day.

I gifted her the best wines and innocent blood when she was feeling overly cynical and dark. I allowed her to drink my blood, which only seemed to make her colder. Locked deep inside her own mind of travesties. I would always question why.

The service I was to lead tonight focused on faith. Faith that the Father would lead us all to redemption, safety, and security. He always provided, and it was up to us to give him our blind faith in that.

I myself began to lose faith that Lilith would remain here, because nothing lasted forever. One fact remained, I needed to stay here in this until it no longer stood or served no larger purpose.

I walked with my hands tucked behind my back, nodding to the men that passed by me, down the winding corridor to the church doors.

Most of my followers were men, and it was best that way. Women needn’t worry about God, faith, and politics. Those things were better left to the levelheaded patriarchs that attended my services. At the same time, women tended to be a distraction, and I needed my flock to focus only on the Father.

I stepped up to the pulpit, admiring the empty pews that would soon be filled with my followers.

I may be filled with darkness and sin, but at the very least, I kept my grandfather’s legacy alive.

I held my hands out as I spoke, dozens of eyes focused on my words, my teachings. It was just before sunrise, I held mass very early, so I may sleep after. No vampire would dare be caught in sunlight; the irreversible damage of death.

I kept my homily short today; Lilith was returning from her trip to Greece. She had quickly made her way through my library, reading myths and legends that she couldn’t get enough of. I spared no expense to get her to the coast, she deserved the world and I intended to give that to her. Some legacies afforded a lavish life and constant donations flooded my walls. Money was never a problem in the DeLesepps family.

I shook hands with a few of the men who regularly visited me for confessions, and as the last few men trickled out, the door remained open, with a timid Lilith peeking around at me through the frame.

She slithered her way inside before the door closed. “The sun will be up soon, we should get back to our room, my love.”

I knew something was amiss, but I couldn’t quite read her. She laced her fingers through mine, and I pulled her violently to my chest, cradling the back of her head with my hand. I gently tugged on her hair, yanking her head back to look up at me.

“What is it?”

She pushed herself away, hips swaying as she walked to one of the pews and sat. I followed her, feeling a rage begin to rise in my chest.

There were times I was unable to control the animalistic urges that lived inside of me. I hoped this wouldn’t serve as one of those instances.

She looked down over her abdomen, ever so slightly rounded, then back to me.

“A baby?” I asked, surprised by the softness in my own voice.

She nodded, not looking at me, but at the old wood floors.

“I didn’t think this could be…after what happened. But I’m no mother, Dom…I cannot…” She rubbed her belly absentmindedly, and I could see the torment on her face. She was conflicted, but I knew all of her dark desires and no matter how hard I tried, I could not picture her mothering anyone, it was not her journey. This was,Iwas.

I wanted to tell her that I would worship her in a way that no one else ever could. That I would write hymns and homilies of her beauty and light. If she left me, I would be devastated, unable to unlearn the things she made me feel, the way we made each other come.

“I will help…I will hire others to help…”

“Please Dom, just ask me what you really want to ask. Whose is it? Right?”
