Page 14 of Wings of Deception

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“That will be all, Uriel. I have heard your words and will take it from here. Please go back to class,” Principal Cael says, shooting him a soft smile.

With a calculated smirk shot my way, the professor exits the room and leaves me standing, wings out, in front of the man who holds my fate in his hands.

This is it. Expelled on my first day … That’s bound to be a record, right? At least I had a few enjoyable moments while I was here. Those memories might just be my only companions when I leave.

To my surprise, it isn’t a lecture that comes out of the principal’s mouth. “Before you sit down, Miss Hayliel, do you mind if I inspect your wings?”

“I … Yes, of course.” I’m off balance, unsure if his pleasant demeanor will change once he realizes there is no dirt and I’m truly just an abomination.

How many times have authority figures tricked me in that exact way? A teacher at my old school, the bus driver before that, and even the parents of some students I used to call friends back when I believed in happily ever after. I won’t fall for it this time.

Principal Cael stands, and I spread my wings as wide as his office will allow. He circles me, surveying them with a detached interest that makes me want to squirm under his scrutiny.

The scent of apples reaches me from a lit candle burning on his desk. I focus all my attention on the flame, using it to help calm my nerves.

“May I?” he asks, his soft gray eyes assessing me while his hand hovers over my left wing.

I nod, not entirely sure I want him touching them, but at this point I’ll do anything to stay here.Well, maybe not anything.

My body tenses against the incoming invasion, but he only touches one feather, wiping his finger down its length before checking it for residue. When he finds none, he clucks his tongue and heads back to his seat. Bringing out a notebook, he scribbles several lines down before shutting it and tucking it back into his desk.

“You may put your wings away now, Miss Hayliel, and sit. Thank you for indulging my curiosity.”

I follow his direction and sit down on the edge of the seat, clasping my hands in front of me to stop them from shaking.Why did I think this school would be any different?

“I’m sorry, Principal Cael,” I say, but he cuts me off.

“Sorry for what, exactly? Did you roll around in ash before class with the hopes of pranking your teacher?”

“Well, no.”Though I wish I had.

“Then I don’t see what you need to be sorry for. Aside from being tardy, of course. Rules are there for a reason, Miss Hayliel, and I assure you that reason is not to break them.”

“I understand.” The words leave a bitter taste in my mouth. I very much don’t understand. I can’t tell if I’m in trouble, and my anxiety is through the roof just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Good. Given the circumstances, it’s best not to invite additional trouble, don’t you think? I will send a memo to your other teachers so that this doesn’t keep happening, but I need you to do your part as well. Show up on time, do your work, and I’m sure your future here at Silver City University will be a bright one.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll be on time going forward, I promise.” As I say the words, I glance at the clock above his desk and worry that I’m about to make a liar out of myself.Okay, so maybe I’ll be late for one more class.

“I’ve already sent a message to your second period teacher, notifying them you’ll be late. There is a bathroom outside my office. You may use it to change out of your flying gear.”

I look from him to the door, completely dumbfounded by his generosity.

“Thank you again, Principal Cael.”

He shoots me a pained glance and clears his throat. As I leave his office, I hear him say, “Don’t thank me yet, Miss Hayliel. You still need to get through the day.”

I change quickly. Despite having an excuse to be late, I don’t want to bring any more attention to myself.Archangels know I’ll have enough of that today as it is.

Was it truly only last night that I crept out of Zeke’s bed? I should have stayed there, wrapped up in his powerful arms. Maybe then things would have been different.

I dig through my bag until I find my slate, still not believing the school gives out the latest model. With an all-you-can-eat meal plan and technology supplied, it’s no wonder tuition costs are so high.

My schedule isn’t too jam packed, despite my double major — Wingology and History. As with all first-year students, there are some courses we’re required to take regardless of our focus, but next year I’ll have a bit more freedom to build my class load. There’s even a course about the Earth Realm that I hope to take. I may never get to go there, but at least I can read about it.

With my uniform on and my half-empty bag slung over my shoulders, I make my way toward my next class.

Luckily for me, it’s in the same building as the principal’s office, only on the complete other side of the building. At least the hallways are empty. I can pretend for a little while longer that my life at this school hasn’t changed.
