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I sit back down in the chair, and it feels impossibly comfortable. I take Teal’s hand as she sleeps and hold onto it. There is no place in the world I would rather be. The last thing I see before I slip into some wonderful dreams is the peaceful faces of Teal and our baby.


Istill can’t believe it is all happening. I stand with my sister in the small room just off of the main hall where we are to be married, and she is holding Phineas—some aunt and nephew bonding time while I make it official with Logan. And what a place to celebrate our love…

I know my family had wanted to have it in a church, but Logan and I are not religious (and, to be honest, neither is my family). So, Logan has hired a luxurious resort hotel for us where our friends and family can celebrate with us and then have a place to stay after the ceremony for as long as they like.

“You look beautiful,” Katy says.

She has flown in from Germany, where she lives with her partner and kids. A lot of my family is spread out, so it is nice to have them close, if only for a few days or a week.

“Youarebeautiful,” I reply.

Katy rolls her eyes and looks me up and down again. “That might be the prettiest dress I have ever seen.”

“It is a custom wedding dress designed by Monique Lhuillier. My goodness, listen to me talk! I had no idea who that was a couple of months ago, and then I got to meet her and talk to her about what I wanted in a dress. I know it must all sound ridiculous, but it feels so good, Katy.”

“It does all sound ridiculous,” she confirms. “However, that doesn’t matter. I get to be here with you, and Mom is here along with cousins and aunts and uncles that I haven’t seen in ages. And you feel good in the dress, right?”

“I do,” I confirm.

“Then that’s all that matters. This day is about you, Teal. So, make it about you.”

I let out a small laugh through my nose. Itisso ridiculous, but it is wonderful too. We have a luxurious venue, and Logan is whisking me off to Italy tomorrow. I have on this wonderful dress, and I’ve not even attached the long veil yet. I’ll do that right before I walk down the aisle to be with him.

I’m in love with Logan, but I might be in love with the dress too. I have worn silk garments before, but there is something about the feel of the fabric and the precise cut that causes it to hug me like it wants to make love to me. The purple is rich and vibrant, and I do feel like the center of attention in it.

“I will take Phineas in,” Katy says. “It is almost time.”

I nod as the butterflies rise in my stomach. There are two women with me, provided by the resort, and one helps attach the veil. I look at the ring on my finger, a promise made by Logan. He added to that promise with a diamond necklace and diamond earrings for the wedding. They are small and understated, but they glow as if the light of a thousand stars is contained within.

The music changes, and a familiar head pops around the door.

“Hi, Charlie,” I say.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah, I am.” I have never been more sure of anything in my life.

Charlie wears a tailored suit that manages to make her look more feminine. With my father ever absent, she stepped up to walk me down the aisle. She comes to me and double-checks the veil before holding out an arm for me to take. Classical music wafts through the slightly ajar door, and I can hear the faint murmur of our friends and family waiting eagerly for the moment I will make an appearance.

The music changes, and a hush descends over the entire resort.

I lean in to kiss Charlie on the cheek, and we make our way out there.

Long ribbons of white silk hang from the ceiling twenty feet above. Rows and rows of white fabric-covered chairs line the room neatly, and they are occupied by the people we love most in the world. Well, there are some people we do not love, but this is a high-profile wedding, and there are some concessions to be made.

The entire cast of the TV adaptation of Charlie’s book is in attendance, and almost every person holds a happy memory for me. It was a struggle from start to finish, but it was a good struggle.

There are many high-profile celebrities that I have never met before, making it all even more unreal. And then, amid these movie stars, musicians, and other wealthy people, are my mother, sister, and Phineas. I catch their eyes as I walk down the aisle.

Then I lay eyes on my soon-to-be-husband. He is as elegant as ever, and he and his father stand in matching suits. Logan often wears Tom Ford, but he has broken from that convention to don an Ermenegildo Zenga suit for the wedding. He has been talking about the suit for the past week, but all I can remember about it is that it is crafted from cashmere.

The suit jacket has a hint of bright yellow woven into the design, and when he suggested it, I almost laughed. However, seeing it on him, I can’t help but fall in love with his suit as much as I am in love with my dress. Logan has a bright mustard handkerchief in his jacket pocket to match the yellow of the suit. His shoes are rich mahogany and have been shined nicely.

I make my way slowly down to the front of the room as the four-piece string band in the back corner plays for me. I am walking on air.

When I get to Logan, Charlie lets go of me, and she gives him a kiss on the cheek. I feel that they really bonded over the past couple of months when the filming ended and the wedding planning began. They might never be best friends, but they share the same dark sense of humor. Charlie gives me one final kiss, and she leaves to take her seat in the front row.

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