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I grab Jessica's upper arm and squeeze it. "Logan told me that you have two children now."

"Yeah, Brad and Juliana. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. My husband too. They changed my life, but it was Logan who saved me. I wouldn't have a family if it weren’t for him. He is a good man."

I turn to look at him. He is in the chair, being dabbed at by someone from makeup, and I have to agree. Everything he has done so far has been to help. He might have taken some time to get his head around my pregnancy, but he has shown that he can compromise and be vulnerable. I don't know where this is going, but I enjoy the journey.

Someone else comes to comb his hair, not that he needs any of this. He looked handsome from the moment he walked into the makeshift studio, but I understand that you have to do some things a certain way when you are going to be on camera.

"Thank you again." I turn back to Jessica. "Logan would have taken your secret to the grave, but this gives him a chance to move on with his life. I don't know if it is too late for… you don't need to know all this."

"No, I like hearing what he has been up to, and he has been talking almost non-stop about you. I'm sorry the deal for the book fell through. It's my—"

"Don't you dare say it is your fault," I interrupt. "I can't imagine what you had to go through, and I understand why you did what you did. The book is nothing compared to protecting you. That's why you shouldn't be here. What if someone puts two and two together?"

"I thought of that but needed to see how it went. From what Logan has said, he was able to keep my face out of the media. I don't think they care who I am—he is the billionaire, so he is the one they want to put on their screens. No one knows who I am."

"What about your ex?" I ask. "Will he put two and two together when this interview goes out?"

"I don't think so. He never knew about Logan and never found out where I went or what happened to the child. I don't think he cares, to be honest. He never really wanted to be a father. He just wanted control. I could be dead for all he cares." Jessica sighs. "I have kept tabs on him, just in case. He was in another relationship for a while and never came after me. The last I heard, he was serving a ten-year prison sentence for aggravated assault. Logan has assured me that he will take care of any trouble, and I can go on living my life."

"He's good at protecting those close to him." I almost place a hand on my belly but think better of it. I have not told my mother yet, but that day is getting closer. I want to make sure everything is okay with the child and enjoy the start of this journey before it all becomes real.

"You know, sometimes I wonder what my child would have been like. It was not a decision I took lightly, and I still have to live with the knowledge that I—"

"Don't you dare say it! If you had carried the child, you would have died and there is a good chance the child would have died too. You made the hardest decision in the world, and you made the right decision."

"I want to believe that."

I grab Jessica and pull her into my arms. "You have to believe that," I whisper.

I hold her tight and feel her sob in my arms. I don't know if I could ever make a choice like that. There is no right answer to that decision.

I let Jessica go, and she pulls a handkerchief from her sleeve to dab at her eyes. She holds it up after. "I carry it everywhere. I'm a big bubbling mess most of the time, but my husband hasn't left me yet."

"Two kids and a family… you must be doing something right." I smile.

"You too," she replies.

I give her a confused look.

"Is it his?" asks Jessica.


She looks down at my stomach. "You are practically glowing, and I have seen the way the two of you look at each other."

"What? I…"

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. You haven't told anyone yet, have you? You have found yourself a good man too."

"Oh, we are not together."

"Mmm-hmm." Jessica smiles at me.

I want to plead my case, but a hush descends over the studio as the interview begins. I hold her gaze for a moment longer, and I can't help but smile back at her before I look back at Logan.

He really is a good man in many ways, and I feel lucky to have even met him. Now, I get to be a part of his story. I get to hear about his past and be a part of his future.

The interviewer walks out and takes a seat across from Logan in a similar chair. They have chosen a woman to interview him forThe Reporter, which makes the most sense with the issue at hand. The article will run inThe Reporterat first but will soon be picked up by the larger regional news stations and then the nationals. We only have one shot at this.

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