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“I thought you weren’t a fan of jewelry,” he said.

“I’m not. But I can admire good craftmanship when I see it. Is this your only workstation?”

“I have several. Several caves too. This is my favorite one. It’s easier to work with materials around me. I can just grab whatever’s available and create the design I fancy in the moment.”

“I see.”

Her fingers went to the anvil next, tracing it lightly before she rested her palm on it. He briefly closed his eyes to erase the image of her doing the same to his needy shaft and refocused.

“Are you here to admire my treasure, Sapphire?”

“No. It’s nice and all, but…no.” She shook her head, then finally removed her fingers. “I came to check on you. You left so quickly that I was worried about your injury. Then I heard you hammering away and decided to wait until you were done. I know some people like to do their hobbies in private.”

“I’m okay,” he assured. “My wounds have healed and the poison’s gone.”

“That’s good.”

She didn’t leave, even when he gave her the opening. Mystified, he tilted his head.

“Is that all?”

“Have you eaten?” she blurted out.

“Yeah.” Klaus examined her. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing. I’m just checking on you. What’s wrong with that?”

There it was again, that defensive tone. Whereas he let it go before, he clung on to it this time as he moved closer.

“Being an affable mate, aren’t we?”

“Maybe. Or just someone caring for someone who has proven to be a better person than she initially thought.”

Warmth spread over his chest, alarmingly fast. He chuckled.

“So, this is you admitting that you no longer hate me. That you care about me and can’t stop thinking about me.”

“Let’s not twist it,” she shot back. “I already said I never hated you. And why would I keep thinking about you?”

“Because you care? Because I’m that irresistible?”

“Can we not talk about this?”

He paused and noticed the pink blooming on her cheeks again. A grin burst from his lips.

“What's this? Are you embarrassed?” She shook her head, the flush deepening. She backed against the anvil at his continuous approach, her breath quickening and her hands gripping the edge of the shaped stone. Realization skittered in and he stilled. “No, you're turned on. You're embarrassed that you're turned on.”


“You were already turned on in the forest when I was helping you with your fighting position,” he guessed.

“No,” she said, but the way her blue eyes darkened contrasted with her denial. “I should go.”

No, you don’t.

Before she could slip past him, he grabbed her waist and wrenched her forward, settling her butt on the anvil and urging her legs open with his hip. She resisted at first…then gave in until he was standing between them. When she tried to push off the anvil with her hands, he trapped them with his and rubbed her knuckles with his thumbs. She made a soft sound, one that had him leaning in and shuddering against her hair.

“You can deny it all you want, but I see right through you,” he murmured, voice already hoarse with arousal, with desire—with a need beyond his understanding that he gave up trying to dissect it. One thing was clear, though, from that sound she made. “You want this. You want to be tupped by the man you call a brute. You want to be banged so hard…a wild, sweaty pounding in the dragon's lair where no one will hear you scream in pleasure. Aren't I right, sweetheart?”
