Page 93 of Wrath

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“You don’t need to worry about anyone. That’s my job. I’m going to have Tamar and Zé come in, and we’re going to figure this out.”

I pick up my phone and call Tamar. “Get Zé up to speed, and I want you both in my office.

“Why don’t you take the rest of the day off? Just relax. When I get home, we’ll have dinner on the terrace.”

She shakes her head. “I’ll go crazy up there alone. I’m part of Tamar’s team. Let me help.”

Not a fucking chance. “Listen to me. I’m going to do what’s necessary to get to the bottom of this, even if it means pissing off Valentina again. I don’t want to compromise your relationship with her. It’s too special.”

Another tear trickles down her cheek, and she swipes it away with the back of her hand. “This is why I was nervous about telling you. Next time, she might hold her grudge against you forever.”

It would kill me, but I’m willing to risk it. “Would you prefer that I do nothing? Hope for the best? That’s the alternative.” I keep my voice controlled, because I know it was hard to come to me with what she feels is a betrayal, and I want her to come to me every time—with anything that makes her heart heavy.

She stares at her hands, and I pull her closer. “No. I’m worried for her, Rafa.”

I nod. “I’m worried for you, too, Angel. If something happened to you because I sat back so Valentina’s feelings wouldn’t be hurt, I couldn’t live with myself. But I won’t go in half-cocked—isn’t that what you said?” I tip her chin until we’re nose to nose. “I prefer to do things with my full cock.”

She smiles, and some of the tension lessens.

When there’s a knock on the door, I put her on her feet. “If you prefer to be in your office, I’m sure you can find something to do. But don’t leave the building today. Stay out of the public areas—don’t give the guards a headache about it.” I pull her against me, and her body molds to mine. Trusting me.

Fucking Marco. The thought of that bastard brings a new wave of anger.

When another knock comes, we pull away, and I open the door for Zé and Tamar.

“Do you have anything special you need me to work on?” she asks Tamar.

“I think with what we discussed earlier, you have enough to keep you busy.”

“Good catch, Lexie,” Zé says, nodding at her.

For a minute, she looks taken aback at the compliment. “Thank you.”



As soon as she leaves, I call Giana. “Two guards on Ms. Clarke at all times. She’s to stay in the building for the foreseeable future. It’s nonnegotiable. If you have a problem enforcing those orders, come to me immediately.” I end the call, toss the phone on my desk, and rub my hands over my face.

When I lift my head, Tamar and Zé are sitting stone-faced across from me.

“Any thoughts?” I ask, getting up to pour myself a drink to steady my nerves.

“The photo was taken before Russo wrapped up things, and Paolo, or who he thought was Paolo, was found dead,” Tamar begins.

“How accurate do you think Lexie’s memory is of this? Do you think she’s having some kind of PTSD reaction?”

“I suppose it could be a delayed trauma reaction, given that she just closed the file today. But PTSD doesn’t normally present like this. Plus, something about the photo alarmed her. Even if it wasn’t Paolo.”

That was my gut reaction too. It might not be related to the traffickers, but something about that guy spooked her—the guy with Marco. Lexie doesn’t scare easily.

“Sweep Valentina’s apartment, her car, her office—everything that we can get access to. I want eyes on her at all times, Zé. Can we get surveillance into their house?”

“Not that won’t be picked up in a thorough sweep, if Marco has one done.”

“We can try to monitor the house from the neighborhood,” Tamar adds. “But it’ll require human assets on the ground—they could be detected. Plus, it won’t give us anywhere near what we would get if we were doing it from the inside.”

“Do the best you can.”
