Page 84 of Wrath

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“Good. Otherwise, we’re going to have a problem, Huntsman.”

He throws his head back and laughs out loud. “Oh, are we?” His thumb finds the seam of my pussy and rubs the thin fabric into the wet flesh. “Are you threatening me, Angel?”

I shake my head, trying not to moan as his fingers move faster. Harder. “It’s not a threat. It’s a promise.”

He takes hold of my hips and sets me on my feet.

“It didn’t sound at all like a promise. No one threatens me, Angel.” His eyes are dark, but they sparkle with mischief. “If you don’t want to be punished, you need to find a nice way to apologize.”

His voice is a low rumble that makes my pussy ache for his touch. Only he would pick a fight, and then, after he’s proved wrong, would expect a blow job in apology. Cheeky bastard.

I’m ready to put this discussion aside. I’m too distracted now—too aroused to squabble.

“If you need a suggestion, I can help,” he purrs, his hands on my ass and his eyes glittering playfully.

Intense Rafael is heart-stopping, and I’d hand my panties over to him anytime, anywhere. But playful Rafael? He owns my heart.

“I make a demand or two, and you need to snatch back the power,” I tease, running my finger over his lips.

“Is that what you think this is?”

I shake my head. The one thing I’ve discovered is that when I’m on my knees—especially if I’m on my knees—I’m the one with all the power. “No.”

Without once releasing his gaze, I shimmy out of the scarlet cocktail dress, exposing my breasts to him. His eyes are dark, with swirls of lust that set me ablaze. I hook my finger into my panties and slide the red lace down my legs, maddeningly slow.

He groans as he admires me, and all I think about is touching him. Owning him. It’s powerful and heady, and I can’t get enough.

“Tease,” he murmurs as I finger the ends of my hair, putting on a little show—for him—always for him.

When I sense his patience for sitting is frayed, I fall to my knees and swallow his cock.

No long licks. No swirls of my tongue. Neither of us has the patience for that kind of teasing tonight.

“Fuck,” he mutters, threading his fingers into my hair.

I breathe through my nose, as he hits the back of my throat, again, and again, but I don’t gag. It feels like victory.

“Touch yourself, Angel,” he grits out. “Rub that wet pussy for me. I want to feel your whimpers around my cock.”

I slide my free hand between my legs and stroke mindlessly, concentrating only on the thickening shaft in my mouth. Smooth. Throbbing. Impossibly big. So long and thick I gag, now, but I don’t stop.

“Such a good girl,” he pants, and I feel the muscles in his lower abdomen contract.

He tugs on my arm, stealing my fingers from my drenched pussy and into his mouth. “So sweet. Your cunt is so tasty, Angel.” When he sucks on my fingers, I feel it between my legs.

As I tighten my lips around his cock before I pull back, his hips jerk and he draws a long, shaky breath that makes me feel like a skilled courtesan. He’s right there. Mine for the taking.

I dip my head, taking him deep, and swirl my fingertips over his tight balls. A tormented growl twists from his chest, and I feel his surrender. He grips the edge of the mattress and explodes on my tongue with a guttural groan and a symphony of curses.

With his head tipped back and his eyes closed, I bathe his cock with my tongue. Each tender caress brimming with the love I feel for this man.



“Good morning,” I say brightly to Scott Bancroft, who recoils like he just saw the devil himself. “Aren’t you going to invite me to join you for coffee?”

I take a seat in the sunny atrium before he can find his voice.
