Page 56 of Wrath

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I pull back to catch my breath. “You’re quite beautiful yourself.”

One side of his mouth curls. “We need to go. Otherwise, we’ll never make it to the restaurant.”

I nod and reach for the purse on the credenza. Rafael doesn’t say a word about it, but his expression flickers with light when he notices the cork and fabric purse as we walk out the door. The Judite Furtado original design, he asked her to bring me.

“No one goes in. I don’t care who they are,” Rafael instructs Sabio, who nods respectfully. “Don’t leave your post until we return.”

“What if he needs to pee?” I ask when we’re out of earshot.

“Not my problem, and not yours. I want you to have a relationship with your guards that makes you comfortable, but you’re permissive and indulgent with them. They need an occasional reminder that they’ve been entrusted with an important assignment, and that there are boundaries and protocols. Otherwise, they’ll become lax and undisciplined—especially Sabio, who is very capable, but arrogant.”

The king of arrogance throwing stones—that’s rich.

“I’m surprised,” he says wryly, glancing at me. “You haven’t asked where we’re going. I would expect you to be pestering me about it.”

I shove his arm. I haven’t asked because I don’t care. You’re taking me to your favorite spot, and although I’ve often wished for this kind of intimacy, it’s more than I hoped for.

“I’m full of surprises,” I quip. “I thought you knew that.”

“Oh, I do,” he murmurs under his breath as we approach the elevator.

Giana is waiting with Zé, who is holding the elevator for us. Great. Nothing like a Grumpy Gus to kill the vibe.

“Good evening,” Giana says pleasantly, flashing me a discreet smile as I step into the carriage. Zé, on the other hand, doesn’t utter a damn word, although he catches Rafael’s eye and nods. Rafael nods back, his eyes conveying a message I can’t decipher.

On the short ride, they have an entire conversation in an unspoken language that only they understand. It’s unnerving and scintillating at the same time, and I can’t look away.

When we get to the garage, there are three nondescript SUVs parked near the elevator, along with several guards. In an uncharacteristic public display of affection, Rafael takes my hand and leads me to a sleek black Bugatti.

He opens the passenger door and helps me inside, but not before his mouth grazes my ear. “You’re too damn tempting. I’m not sure we’ll make it through dinner,” he murmurs, his hot breath sending a small shiver through me.

To anyone watching, his behavior has been innocent enough, and certainly this isn’t the first time the guards have seen him with a date. There have been dozens and dozens of women in and out of his life—his bed. Maybe hundreds. Rafael has a long history with women that’s been well-chronicled by both the Portuguese and London media. I don’t allow myself to dwell on what came before. But this is the first time he’s openly treated me like a woman rather than a family friend or a little girl.

“You’re driving? It’s just us?” I ask as he gets in the car.

“There’s not a lot of room in here for passengers, so unless Zé’s going to sit on your lap—and that is not happening—yes, I’m driving.”

“I’m sure Zé hates you driving with a passion.” One more strike against me. I wouldn’t care whether Zé likes me or not except he’s so tight with Rafael.

“We’re not going far, and we’ll be flanked by security. I never go anywhere without guards—and neither do you, right, Angel?”

“Of course not.”

Rafael side-eyes me and scoffs before pulling out of the garage, sandwiched between the SUVs.

“So quiet.” He turns on some jazz and reaches for my hand. “I expected a comment about the car making up for a tiny dick.”

I laugh and glance at him across the console. He’s grinning. I want more of this. “I was saving it for the return trip after I’d eaten dinner. I didn’t want your feelings to be hurt if I brought up that, uh, um, unfortunate fact, and change your mind about feeding me. There’s no food in the apartment.”

He squeezes my fingers. “I could pull over and remind you how small my cock is, if you’d like.”

“You’ve gotten all the treats you’re getting until you shell out for dinner.”

“The treat would be for you.” His eyes twinkle madly, and I feel the flutter between my legs.

“You really have no business accusing Sabio, or anyone else, of being arrogant.”

Rafael flashes me a panty-melting smirk, or at least they would melt if I was actually wearing panties.
