Page 33 of Wrath

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I’d give anything to be a fly on the wall while those two are having coffee.



I approach Valentina’s apartment flanked by Sabio, who nods at the guard stationed outside the door. I’m used to a high level of security, but the Huntsman men are over the top. That’s why my father has never had too much heartburn about me staying here without my own security.

“Senhora Cruz will be here shortly,” the guard informs Sabio. Senhora Cruz. She must hate that.

“Hey,” Valentina calls, rushing down the hall with two espressos from the café downstairs and yet another guard.

Over the top.

“You look hot in that wraparound dress, Senhora Cruz,” I tease, taking a cup from her.

Valentina rolls her eyes. “Marco grew up with a different level of formality. It’s not my style, but it’s not worth fighting about.”

We have bigger things to fight about. She doesn’t say it, but the stench of the unspoken words hangs in the air like burnt popcorn.

“I feel like I haven’t seen you forever,” Valentina murmurs, linking her arm through mine as we wait for the apartment to be swept.

“I know. It’s ridiculous. We need to change that.”

“It’s been hectic with the launch, and I’m trying to work from home more often.”

Valentina and Marco have a great house with stunning views, but it’s somewhat isolated for a girl who thrives on a city vibe. “Do you like working from home?”

She shrugs. “I miss the buzz of the office. But Marco’s schedule is unpredictable, so if I’m home, we get to see more of each other.”

One of Valentina’s favorite things about working at Premier has always been that she gets to see her dad and Rafael every day. Although seeing more of her husband probably makes up for it.

“Ladies,” the guard says after he checks the apartment, “all clear.”

“Did you hear Francesca Russo was murdered?” she asks as soon as the door shuts behind us.

Did I hear? Rafael borrowed a satellite to track my flight and hid in a hollowed-out platform bed in my hotel room, all while there was a shoot order on him—issued by none other than my father—all so he could tell me. “I heard.”

Valentina turns on the kitchen light and grabs a tin of biscotti from the cupboard. “Marco and I were listening to the BBC this morning, and it sounded like it might be related to the trafficking ring you two got caught up in at Sirena. I’m worried about you, Lexie.”

“They suspect it was related, but so far, it’s just speculation. The prime minister has a lot of enemies.” Neither my father nor Rafael believe it’s speculation, and neither do I, but Valentina has plenty on her plate. She doesn’t need to worry about me.

“That’s what Marco said too.” She puts the tin on the island, and I help myself.

“But I don’t agree,” she continues, taking the seat across from me. “Going after a family member—an innocent girl—that’s a bridge too far, even for most bad men. But flesh traders? It’s their calling card.”

“Don’t discount the Bratva, the cartels, or even local gangs. It’s their calling card too. But don’t worry. I’m sure my father has people all over it, and Rafael’s upped my security to a level that’s unprecedented—even for him.”

“It’s not a terrible idea,” she says, dunking her biscotto into the espresso.

“I’m not fighting it. What about your security? Any changes because of the murder?” It wouldn’t surprise me if Antonio or Rafael added to her security detail—although I don’t know if Rafael is still allowed to intervene in her security.

She shrugs. “Nothing’s really changed at home, although Marco mentioned adding another guard at the front gate. All security in this building is Huntsman-sanctioned and tight. Always has been. The only change is that Rafael is no longer permitted to be involved in my protection in any way. Nada,” she says with some satisfaction.

“Rafa agreed to that?”

“He didn’t have a choice. My father agreed to it. He leaves decisions about Premier to Rafael and me, but my father still has the final say over everything that happens under the Huntsman umbrella. Although I suspect that’s going to change soon. My mother’s pushing hard for him to cut back, and I think he’s going to do it. He was so young when he took over. I think he’s had enough.”

“After everything that’s happened, are you okay with Rafael taking over for him?” She always was, but I wonder if that’s changed too.
