Page 23 of Wrath

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With a great sense of relief, I lock the door and crawl between the sheets in just my panties. I’m exhausted, but my mind is racing.

I’m going to work with Tamar. Tamar, who is a brilliant badass. If I had known this was possible, I’d have come clean sooner.

Rafael surprised me. Aside from that scary little growl, and a menacing scowl or two, he didn’t lecture me on being reckless. Probably because it doesn’t matter as much now that we’re not together. The pivotal thing for him wasn’t that I was a risk-taker. It was that he couldn’t be involved with someone like that. Someone like me.

I shove away the thought. It’s stealing the sense of peace I have from sharing the information about the ring and the relief I feel not to be working alone.

I still at the knock on the door and pull the covers higher. Please don’t be the flight attendant telling me we’re going to land and I need to be seated in the cabin. I haven’t even had a chance to close my eyes.


“It’s me,” he announces, opening the door without waiting to be invited in.

So much for the lock.

The room is dim, and when he enters, he blinks a few times, his long, inky lashes fluttering. Although it’s too dark for me to see it now, when he blinks, his lashes cast shadows on his face, making him look young and a bit angelic. It’s achingly beautiful. He’s achingly beautiful. Damn him.

He glances at me, then at the clothing strewn over the chair, and back at me. I shiver and pull the covers higher still until only the upper part of my face is visible.

“I brought you some water. The body does funny things for the first twenty-four hours after an adrenaline rush. You need to stay hydrated.” He holds out the bottle, and his eyes rest on the bare arm that reaches from under the covers to take it.

“Thank you,” I croak.

“You should have some before you fall asleep.”

I nod, but unscrewing the cap and taking a sip would require sitting up and exposing more skin than I care to. This could easily become one of those moments when two people fuck because they crave human connection—or to celebrate surviving—or because they’re stupid.

He sits on the empty side of the bed, his feet on the floor, his palm inches from my hip, only a thin blanket and sheet between us. My pussy flutters, and I feel the stupid seeping into the room.

“I’d like to catch a nap before we land.”

“And I’d like you to pull back the covers and invite me into the bed.” He smirks. “But neither of us is getting what we want.” He pauses, studying me. “I thought we’d talk, but you look exhausted. Drink some water, and I’ll go.”

I want him to go. Don’t I?

I imagine him tugging off his clothes, pulling the blanket back, and covering me with his hard body. Nudging my legs apart, he’ll slide his fingers over my wet pussy with some kind of gruff approval before rubbing his cock over my slick flesh until I beg for more. Then he’ll notch at my entrance and plow all the way in, while I welcome him home. Bracing himself on his forearms, he’ll roll his hips and brush the hair off my face and own my mouth. We won’t talk. Not with words. We’ll communicate using our bodies—like we always do. Just feel.

Damn you, Rafael Huntsman. I hate you.

“I’m not going until you drink,” he reminds me, his voice gruff and his eyes hooded like he’s been enjoying my fantasy.

I sit up, careful not to let the sheet expose me more than I already am. “I’m surprised you’re not so pissed at me that you wouldn’t prefer that I suffer from dehydration to learn a lesson.” That should throw ice water on all the stupid in the room.

Rafael’s brow furrows. “I want you safe,” he murmurs, “only uncomfortable when it gives you pleasure.”

His words are like skilled fingers caressing my pussy. Stay strong, Lexie. “Well, those days are over.”

“Are they? Because I think you’re aroused. I see it in your eyes. And I smell it.”

I was aroused from the moment he walked in the room, but I’ll never admit to it.

“That’s body odor. I haven’t showered recently.” I take a couple of swigs of water and recap the bottle before placing it on the nightstand. Then I lie on my side and tuck the blanket to my chin. “Good night.” I close my eyes, but he doesn’t take the hint.

“What do you want?” I ask after a few moments of deafening silence.
