Page 21 of Wrath

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“I kept careful records of all my correspondence,” she says. “I’ll pull them up.”

“Not now. You should rest. Why don’t you go back to the bedroom and get some sleep,” I say quietly. “You’re exhausted, and Tamar and I need to shift her schedule so she can dedicate the bulk of her time to working on this.”

She flashes me a small smile that eases some of my anger. “A nap sounds good.”

“You have time for a long nap. The flight will be making a big circle and then landing over the Spanish border. From there, we’ll board a helicopter directly to Huntsman Lodge.”

By now, whoever sent the asshole in cargo will have figured out that I have their guy, and they’ll want him back before he talks. They’ll be watching the Porto airport and the private landing strips nearby. But no one will expect us to deplane in Spain.

“I’m sure Valentina won’t mind if I stay in her apartment again.”

“Tamar, give us a minute.” After Tamar leaves the conference room, I break the news. “You can’t stay at Valentina’s place.”

“Why not?”

“I’m no longer permitted in her apartment, and I’m inclined to honor her wishes—for now. This means I can’t secure it, or fully protect you while you’re there. You’ll stay at my place.”

She purses her lips. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I’ll be staying at the Intercontinental.” The words are bitter on my tongue. But it’s a concession I make because I behaved like an asshole before she left.

She nods and heads for the door.

Lexie turns in the doorway. “Thank you for coming to get me.”

Her voice is soft and sincere, and I want nothing more than to hold her in my arms and promise that I’ll always find her—always. But she’s not ready to hear that promise, and I’m not ready to make it—even though I would search the planet for her if she went missing.

“Isn’t that why you took the wings when you left?”

She tips her head. “I took them—I don’t know. A memory, I suppose. But I disabled the tracker.”

I snicker. “That tracker can’t be disabled with the little magnet trick you learned at Saint Phil’s. I’m disappointed you think so little of me.”

She sighs. “And thank you for not freaking out about what I’ve been doing—with the traffickers.”

Oh, we’re not done with that conversation, Angel. We haven’t even begun. I have a lot to say on the subject, and you will listen to every terse word.



After Lexie leaves, Tamar comes back. “She’s onto something. Whoever got her messages at Interpol is holding the information close, perhaps for a little glory.”

“Or they’re involved in a cover-up.”

“This is a dangerous proposition. I’m surprised you’re allowing her to be involved.”

I have no fucking choice.

“It’ll be less dangerous if you’re controlling the investigation. She’ll report directly to you.”

Tamar sits up straight and clasps her hands on the table. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of Ms. Clarke, but that won’t be possible.”

It won’t be possible? “Why the hell not?”

“I’ll be tendering my resignation once we’re back in Porto. But I can recommend someone who will be a good fit for her.”

What the fuck? She’s resigning? I don’t think so.
