Page 112 of Wrath

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Valentina screams. Maybe I do too. I’m not sure. Rafael pulls me off the chair and into his side, continuing to issue orders into the headset.

I bury my face in his chest as I cling to him. His heart is racing too.

“It’s over,” he murmurs. “You’re safe, Angel. Those fuckers are never hurting anyone again.”

I begin to sob, the pent-up emotion spilling out. It’s over. Not just for me, but for everyone. Those women, toasting and celebrating in clubs a few weeks ago, weren’t safe then. But they’re safe now.

I turn toward my friend, who’s being comforted by her dad. She’s safe too.

“It’s over,” Rafael whispers into my hair.

But it’s not over for him. He’ll be the one to decide Philippe and Marco’s fate. Whether he indulges Valentina and turns them over for trial remains to be seen.



I asked Lexie’s mom to stay with her while I deal with Marco and Philippe. Samantha knows better than anyone what it’s like to wait for days while the man you love stands on the threshold of hell, doing the devil’s work—wondering if he’ll return to you largely as he left, or if the toll Satan extracts for the privilege leaves anything of his soul.

It doesn’t matter that my prisoners have earned a gruesome end. Killing men, especially when I’ll rejoice in every cut, is evil in all its glory. There will be a price to pay for those wails and delicious screams that will soon echo in my veins.

It gives me great comfort to know Lexie’s mother is with her.

I enter the cave where Marco is chained. He’s still dressed, and he hasn’t been beaten—yet. That won’t happen until Valentina’s had a chance to see him and ask whatever questions she has for him. I’m not wild about it, but I’m allowing it, especially since I won’t indulge her second request.

She’s not going to like it, but there will be no trial.

It’s not simply that I want to mete out justice myself—although I do. I have a responsibility to my family and to our company. A trial will only prolong everyone’s misery, especially Valentina’s.

I’ll interrogate the prisoners myself, and the men who were plotting to auction my woman off like a head of cattle will die, not on my order, but at my hand.

“Marco,” I say with good cheer. “How goes it?”

He looks almost indifferent, and doesn’t respond.

“In case you’re wondering, this is the cave where we question prisoners. Can you see the difference?” I point toward the wall where the implements of torture hang.

Still nothing.

Valentina will be here shortly, and I pull on his bindings to make sure he can’t hurt her. I’m rough about it, and he winces, which gives me great pleasure.

“If you beat me,” he sneers, “I’ll make sure I tell the authorities about it.”

“Beat me”? You’re getting a lot more than a beating, asshole. I smirk. “Oh dear. I hate to disappoint you, but the only authority you’ll be speaking to is me.”

The wheels are turning now. He’s drawing conclusions. Soon he’ll begin to barter.

“I have information about the buyers that will help get back some of the women. But I’ll only speak to Interpol.”

Interpol? Not a fucking chance.

My knife is calling to me. Fortunately, I left it outside the cave. I knew I’d be too tempted to use it prematurely. I don’t want Valentina to live with the bloody image of her soon-to-be deceased husband.

“Abducting and auctioning innocent women must have made you feel like a powerful man. But let me tell you something.” I grab him by the throat. “Before you take your last breath, you’re going to tell me everything you know.” I let go of him before I crush his windpipe. “Everything.”

The door opens, and Antonio comes in with Valentina, who looks a bit wan but otherwise like herself. She’s been staying at her parents’ house, and her mother has been fussing over her, which has helped.

Antonio, however, is not happy. He thinks this is a worse idea than I do, but Daniela, like Lexie, thinks it’ll be good for Valentina.
