Page 48 of Pride

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“I’m—I’m—I’m afraid that I might end up with a broken heart.”

My own heart clenches at her vulnerability—vulnerability that she is letting me see.

“You might.” Or I might. “It’s always a risk.”

If I had a lick of decency, or common sense, or if my balls didn’t ache, I would end this now. But instead, I rock my hips, wedging my hard cock between us, and hold her bottom lip between my teeth.

Her hands trace the contours of my face until all I can think about is owning her body.

“Fuck me, Rafael. Please. I’ve waited so long for this.”

She begs so sweetly, and there is no way I’m denying her.

“I’m going to lick your pussy, Angel. I want you nice and wet for me.”

She came hard earlier, and I know she’s ready for me. But I want her more than ready. I want every cell in her body pleading for her release.

“You don’t need to treat me like delicate glass. It’s okay. I’m not a total newbie—”

I see red as the growl escapes from my chest. “Yes. I know. With blokes in bars. I don’t want to hear about a fucking thing you’ve done with another man—not while you’re under me. Not unless you want me to hunt them and put them down like dogs.”

“You’re out of control,” she groans.

“Oh baby, you haven’t seen out of control.” I trail my tongue over her clavicle, between her breasts, lower, and lower, lapping up the remnants of oil, until my face is buried in her cunt. Only when her whimpers and moans reach a frenzy, only then do I reach for a condom and slide it onto my weeping cock.

Slow, Rafael. Slow.

Her eyes are closed, her cheek against the sheet. I pause to watch her before rubbing my cock over her clit and notching it at her entrance. “Open your eyes, Lexie. I need to see you.”

She opens her eyes and gasps softly as I slide in, an inch at a time, letting her bloom around me. As I gaze at her and sink deeper into her tight little cunt, emotion that I don’t recognize is beginning to weave its way in, competing with the intense physical sensations dragging me closer to the brink of insanity. It’s too much. Too much. I shove it away.

“Hook your legs around my hips. That’s it.”

“More,” she whimpers, and I fight not to give her what she thinks she wants but isn’t quite ready for. I will not take any more chances with her tonight.

“You’ll take what I give you, Angel. Don’t be so greedy.”

My hips rock slowly, inching deeper. She’s tight. The pace is torture. The sweat trickles off my face as I struggle to keep my movements controlled.

She uses her legs to pull me closer. It’s unexpected, and I slide deeper into her and curse. There’s a flicker of defiance in her eyes that I’d like to fuck out of her. But instead, I still for a moment, to be sure she’s okay, before sliding my hand between us to rub her clit. Her legs clench as I stroke her, and her back arches off the bed.

“Rafael,” she whimpers.

My name is like heaven as it slips from her lips.

“I’m right here, baby.”

Her walls tighten around my cock, and it almost ends here. My Angel’s close. She clings to me as I roll my hips in a steady motion, swirling my fingers faster, and adding more and more pressure onto her little nub.

“Let go. Just like before. Come for me, Angel. Come all over my cock.”

My touch is rough now, and she begins to buck, clawing at my back and grinding on my dick until she cries out, sinking her teeth into my shoulder to muffle the scream.

The bite of pain detonates every damn nerve. I lose control—all control—chasing my own release like a demon in search of salvation.


