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"Olivier, Natalie," Simone says with a demure smile. "How lovely to see the two of you. Let me introduce you to Lars." She gestures to him, and both Natalie and I need to look up to greet the man who may also double as a Nordic superhero.

"Hallo," he says, his deep voice booming even though we are only just in front of him. "I am Lars."

He sets out his hand and I shake it. The firmness of his grip is not lost on me.

"Lars is a diplomat from Sweden," Simone says. "We had been conversing for some time, given his hobby in bioinformatics." Simone bats her eyelashes at Lars, something I can honestly say she never did with me.

"Did you know," he says, "that Simone discovered a protein that might save billions of dollars of lost tomato crops in the United States of America?"

"I did not," I reply. "But I'm not surprised. I'm sure the United States will be very grateful for your contribution."

"Oh," Natalie says. "We are."

That makes us all laugh, cementing a comfortable and convivial atmosphere.

A bell rings, the sign that we are all being summoned to the table. A beautiful alfresco spread has been laid out for us on the terrace. Little lights illuminate the area as the sun begins to set, casting radiant colors over the garden.

"Wonderful," Grandmama says. "You're all here. Now have a seat, because Olivier and I want to talk to you before the food arrives, and then we shall celebrate together."

We take our seats around the table.

"Natalie," Grandmama says, and pats the chair beside her. "I'd like you here for this announcement."

"Okay," Natalie casts a quick glance in my direction, but she knows better than to go against Grandmama's wishes. I give her a wink to assure her.

"Now, everyone,” Grandmama begins, “let us share this with you, simply and directly, for all the details can be discussed later. My old friend who left France to start anew in America wants to start a winery on the grounds of her luxury hotel. Of course, she came to me looking for partnership in such a venture. She may go by the name Miss Chardonnay now," Grandmama rolls her eyes, "but I knew her when she was simply Paulette.” Grandmama looks at me with a gleam in her eye. “Olivier, you are best positioned to share the rest of the story.”

I glance at Father, who’s eyes are wide. He’s had to handle so much change in these last months, but he’s also more relaxed than he’s been in years. Sebastien has been a star at the restaurant, even overtaking what I’d been able to do with the place.

Seb was made for this work, and Father finally sees it.

“Thank you, Grandmama. And let me add how relieved we are to see your health returned.” That’s met with sounds of agreement from across the table. “Now to the reason we’ve called you here.” I stand up, as much to keep my nerve as to watch Natalie’s face. “I will be taking my long-awaited vacation in America. And when those few weeks have passed, I will launch Dubois Estate’s new winery in Colorado. Given the resounding success that Dubois Estates has recreated, this seems like a most opportune moment to spread our wings and take on America."

The table is silent. Dead silent. All heads turn to Father who is sitting at the far end.

“Dubois Estates… in America?”

I nod, but my heart has stopped beating.

“This is…” he stands up, “a wonderful idea!”

The table erupts in cheers and I can turn my attention to Natalie.

“America. Dubois Estates… You’re doing everything you ever wanted.” She looks at me with eyes full of pride and I feel myself falling deeper and deeper into her.

Grandmama pats Natalie’s hand. "I hoped you would like the idea, since I can’t imagine Olivier doing it by himself.” Grandmama winks at me.

“What do you think, Natalie?” My heart may have stopped before, but now it’s beating faster than a field of wild horses. “What do you say to joining me in America?”

“Me? With you? In America?” Natalie’s smile shines in the setting sun. “I’d say, Yeee-haw!”

Suddenly champagne is pouring, with toasts all around the table.

"To the Bouchon Noir!”

“To the Dubois Estates!”

“To America!"
