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"That's a good question," I whisper. The girls huddle in closer."I wanted this to be the trip of our lives," I say, feeling emotion bubbling up in my throat. "I wanted us to live up a life of luxury in Paris, and instead, look where I've brought us. We're smooshed into an apartment that regularly doesn't have either water or power."

"Or both," Jess adds.

"Hush," Laura says to Jess.

"I thought that once I got you here, you'd see Paris the way I do. A city of promises, a city of delights. And instead, instead—" I can't finish. Tears are streaming down my face now. "Instead, I’m more mixed up than a groundhog in winter. I wanted you all to have the best time, and then I went and broke thousands of dollars’ worth of crystal. My boss sucked me in with his charm and authenticity and kindness and funniness and sweetness and then… and then he pushed me away and then pulled me back again, and I just don't know which way is up anymore. I'm so sorry." I look at each of them. "I got it all wrong."

My tears are free flowing like a keg at homecoming. One of the girls pulls me in for a hug and I'm guessing it's Laura, but I can't tell with all these tears fogging up my vision.

"Shh," one of them says but I’m sobbing too loud to catch who it was. "There, there.”

“We've got you, Nat."

"Let it all out," says Chrissy, in the same voice I'm sure she uses with the kids she takes care of.

"I am just too naive," I say between sobs."Who could have guessed that romance in France would be so… so complicated?"

"How about anyone who's ever seen a movie about French men?" Laura says with her arms crossed. "But first things first, young lady. You need an attitude change."

I sniff. "Me?"

"Here it comes…" Annelise says, a cheeky smile coming across her lips. "I sense the tough love coming on."

"That's right." Laura uncrosses her arms and sticks a long finger in my face. "This girl needs some tough love because she has been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, and it doesn't belong to her."

"That's right," Jess adds. "Wouldn't you say so, sissy Chrissy?"

"I do say so," Chrissy says while smacking Jess’s arm.

Laura points at Gina. “And you, Gina girl?”

"Gina girl is in full agreement," she says with a firm nod. "We all came here out of our own free will, thank you very much."

"That's right," Laura says. "Even if you did do a bit of arm twisting, we're all grown-ups now."

"Don't remind me!" Jess says.

"Whether or not we want to admit it," Laura says, passing a sharp glance at Jess. "And sure, we all got a bit swept away with your grandiose talk of history and culture and food—"

"Oh, but the food part is good," Annelise adds. “It’s the rest that makes me want to run for the hills.”

"—the point is we're all doing our best here. I'll only speak for myself, but I can't imagine it being any other way."

"That's right," Gina says. "If I have to share a shoebox for a year, I want it to be with all of you."

"Alright, you got a bit carried away with your boss.” Laura lowers her chin. “Who wouldn't? I mean, just look at the guy."

"You did practically drool on him when you came to the restaurant," I say between hiccups.

"And it's obvious that he has feelings for you," Laura says putting her hand on my knee. "Even if they're very confused feelings. Let's face it, that could happen back home just as easily as in France."

"That's right, just look at stupid Ryan,” Chrissy says, casting a knowing glance at her twin.Ryan is Jessica’s ex who none of us ever met, and it’s probably just as well. The guy sounded like a douchebag, smothering Jessica at every turn…though I think Jessica thrived on it more than she was willing to tell us. And then he dumped her, which automatically stuck him in our bad books for life.

"Ugh. Do we have to bring up Ryan right now?" Jess rolls her eyes and rests her chin on her fist.

"It's just a fact," Chrissy says, shaking her sister's shoulder gently. "I'm trying to make a point here."

"Yes, yes, it's true," Jess says. "Look how messed up boys back home can be. Take stupid Ryan as an example. And frankly, you're ten times better off being dumped by someone like Olivier."
