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As we leave the boat, Olivier lists several places that Mom and Dad must visit before they go, delights off the beaten track.

I had been worried that it would be awkward and uncomfortable with Mom and Dad—as it usually is. Just about every boyfriend has had to be put through the wringer or be exposed to pictures of me as a baby where I was the one exposed. Did I just think of Olivier in boyfriend status? No, because this was completely natural. Maybe it’s simply that Olivier is my boss and not my boyfriend. But I think Olivier made it easy.

Even though he’s in a crisis with his face plastered around Paris, he gave my parents his full attention. A lot of people talk the talk about family, but Olivier puts his money where his mouth is.

"Mom and Dad, now that Olivier has given you the four-one-one on all the sights of Paris, where do you want me to take you first?"

"Actually," Mom snuggles up to Dad. "We thought we might take a romantic walk, and explore a little bit on our own before crashing like a couple of jet lagged logs. Right, honey?"

"That's right," he says, and plants a massive wet kiss on her lips.

I cover my eyes. "Ew."

"Dear," Dad continues after liberating his mouth from Mom's, "if you want to take some time and help Olivier with this Eiffel Tower idea, you go ahead. Your Mom and I have some lovin' to rekindle, don't we sugarplum?" He shimmies up against her and it takes every ounce of my strength not to be completely horrified at this PDA.

Mom just giggles."That's right. Almost thirty years of marriage, and we're still like a couple of young lovebirds who can't keep their hands off each other. Isn't that right, my handsome bumblebee?"

He buzzes and nuzzles up to her. "Sure is!"

Aaaand they are kissing again. I can’t take it. "Would you guys please stop that?"

Olivier laughs. "You have come to the right city. Paris is the city of love."

"Love," Mom says, looking deeply into Dad’s eyes.

"Love," Dad says in a growly voice, and dips her as though they were dancing, planting yet another kiss on her lips.

"Okay, okay, you lovebirds," I say. "Why don't you just get going on your way, before we are all overwhelmed by the power of your affection?"

"So long, dear!" Mom waves.

"Catch you later, kiddo," Dad adds, and they walk off, arm in arm.

Olivier puts his arm over my shoulders, pulling me in. His cologne must have a magical ingredient because all I see now is him. "Look at them." He points at Mom and Dad, who are now holding hands and swinging them as they walk through the park. "Isn't romance after so many years a beautiful thing?"

I shudder."I'm sure it is," I say. "Just not when it's my parents."

He laughs, full and hearty and natural. This is a side of Olivier that I don’t get to see much, and despite my efforts, it's making me fall for him even harder.

Oh fiddlesticks. I just said it out loud in my brain.

Yes, I am falling in love with my boss. And I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it.

As if he could hear my thoughts, Olivier looks into my eyes. His smile fades and he removes his arm from my shoulders as he clears his throat.

He doesn’t have to say it, I hear the word in my head. Complicated.

"So," I break this unbearable silence, "now that we have been liberated from the unnecessary display of amour, shall we head to the restaurant?"

"How about a different location?" He cringes. "I've left Simone in charge of the restaurant for now."

"Ah, yes," I reply. "Then let's go just about anywhere else."

He offers a quick smile, but his eyes cast downwards. “I have somewhere in mind. Let’s go.”

He walks toward the metro station and I follow a pace behind him, the memory of his kiss refusing to fade.

